How to score a domain name


How do I point my domain to LWS hosting?

You may have domains with another provider but want to link them to your LWS web hosting. There are two ways of linking your domain to your hosting package:

  • Transfer the domain name to your LWS customer area in order to benefit from full management of your domain.
  • Keep the domain with your current provider and change the DNS servers or DNS zones in order to link the domain to your LWS hosting package.

How do I transfer my domain?

The simplest solution is totransfer your entire domain name. To do this, you first need to order the domain name by going to the domain names page or via your customer area, by going to the"Options and Bonuses" tab.

However, it should be noted that there is a charge for transferring a domain name, as it will be renewed for one year. What's more, we strongly advise you tostart the domain transfer procedure 20 to 30 days before the expiry date. A transfer is carried out completely automatically and can take up to 10 days. Some extensions, such as .fr, can take longer, and the provider you are leaving can extend the transfer time by 21 days. That's why it's best to get in early.

Once the order has been placed, you will receive an email with the subject line"transfer pending". This email will explain the procedure for transferring your domain name.

To be able to transfer your domain name, you need to perform two actions at the provider you wish to leave:

  • Retrieve the transfer code for your domain name. This is a unique code that allows you to identify yourself as the owner of the domain name.
  • Deactivate protection against the transfer of your domain name.

You can follow the procedures below to recover the transfer codes:

Once the transfer code has been retrieved and the protection deactivated, go to your LWS customer area to send us the transfer code.

The transfer of your domain name will begin a few minutes after you have sent us the code. Transferring a domain name generally takes between 5 and 7 days, and can take up to 10 days maximum in some cases. During the transfer, you will be asked to validate an email from the registry in charge of the extension you are transferring, except for domains managed by AFNIC such as .fr.

Once the domain has been transferred, you can initialise the DNS servers to point your domain to your web hosting.

How do I change the DNS servers?

The second method is to leave the domain with your current provider and change their DNS servers so that they point to your web hosting.

You can find out which DNS servers are attached to your package by going to your customer area, clicking on"Domains and Hosting" and then on"Admin". Then click on"Domain management". A box at the top of the page will show you the DNS servers.

You can change the DNS at your service provider by following the procedures below:

Once the DNS servers have been changed, you need to wait up to 24 hours for them to propagate and for your domain to be linked to your web hosting package.

How do I change the DNS and transfer the domain?

You can also take full advantage of your web hosting without waiting for it to be transferred. To do this, you need to take the following two steps:

  • Change the DNS servers with your current provider and wait 24 hours for the domain to be pointed to your Web package.
  • Transfer your domain by obtaining the transfer code from your current provider and communicating the transfer code via your customer area.


You can now point your domain to your LWS web hosting package and transfer your domain name. Please note that transferring a domain name can take from 5 to 7 days. It is therefore advisable to start the procedure at least 1 month before your domain name expires.

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Questions sur l'article
Fredrik Il y a 879 days
Hello, I need to point the DNS to Siteground. 01. should be pointed to Siteground - 02. Can somebody at LWS customer service please help me? Fredrik
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1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 879 days
Hello, you can modify the DNS Zone for your domain by going to your LWS customer area, click on "Manage" located behind the domain concerned and then on "DNS Zone". Click on the stylus behind the Type A DNS Zone for the domain to change the ip. You will then have to wait 3 to 4 hours for the DNS Zone to propagate and for your domain to point to your new IP.
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NATH Il y a 878 days
Bonjour je souhaiterais faire un pointage. Pouvez vous m'aider?
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 875 days
BOnjour, vous aez la possibilité de modifier les serveurs DNS rattaché à votre domaine en vous rendant sur votre espace client LWS, cliquez sur "Gérer" se trouvant derrière le domaine concerné puis sur "Serveurs DNS". Une fois le pointage effectué, il vous faudra patienter 3 à 4 heures que les serveurs DNS se propagent et que votre domaine soit bien lié à votre formule.
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