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A DNS server stores a database of different domain names, network names, Internet hosts, DNS records and other related data. The most basic function of a DNS server is to translate a domain name into its respective IP address. During a domain name resolution request, DNS records are looked up and, if found, the domain name record is returned.
If the domain name is not registered or added to this DNS server, the request is then forwarded to other DNS servers until a domain record is found.
1. Log in to your Online customer area.
2. Click on the"Domain" tab in the menu at the top of the page.
3. Click on the"Configure domain" tab to go to the section where you can change the domain's DNS servers.
4. Go to"Manage DNS servers".
5. Change the DNS servers of the chez Online domain to those of your LWS Web hosting and click on the "Change DNS servers" button to save your request. You can find out which DNS servers are attached to your LWS Web Hosting by going to your customer area, click on"Domains and Hosting" and then on"Admin". Then click on"Domain management". At the top of the page, a box will tell you which DNS servers to use.
Once you've changed the DNS servers at Online, you'll need to wait up to 24 hours for them to propagate and for your domain to be linked to your web hosting package.
You can now change the DNS servers of a domain at Online in order to link it to your LWS Web hosting. You can also retrieve the Auth code for your domain at Online at any time and transfer it to your LWS customer area.
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Ceci n'est pas possible, car les adresses emails sont rattachées à un domaine précis. Toutefois, vous pouvez basculer le contenu de l'une vers l'autre via notre outil ImapCopy : https://aide.lws.fr/a/1553
Il faut toutefois que les deux adresses emails soient fonctionnelles en même temps.
Cordialement, L'équipe LWS