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The transfer code, also known as the Auth code, enables you to transfer your domain name to another provider. It provides an additional layer of security by guaranteeing that the customer requesting the transfer is the owner of the domain name.
Before being able to recover the transfer code of a NordNet domain, it is imperative to make a backup of your data. Some service providers may cut off services once the domain has been transferred.
Before transferring your NordNet domain name, you can, if you wish, modify the name servers in order to link your domain name to your LWS hosting. The transfer of a domain name can take from 5 to 10 days. That's why it's best to start relatively early.
1. Connect to your NordNet customer interface.
2. Go to the"Registrar Action" section and click on"Unlocking/locking a domain name".
3. Tick the option"Unlock a domain name" then click on the"Validate" button.
4. In the form that appears, please enter the following information:
Finally, click on the"Validate" button
5. Confirm your request to remove the protection for the domain by clicking on the"Start unblocking" button.
6. To retrieve the transfer code for the NordNet domain, go back to"Registrar Action" and click on"Obtain an authorisation code".
7. Fill in the form again as follows:
Click on the"Validate" button
You are now able to retrieve the transfer code for a NordNet domain. As indicated above, it is preferable to make a backup of your data before transferring your domain name. You can also modify the Name Servers of your domain before transferring it so that you can take full advantage of your LWS Web hosting.
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