Vocabulary and FAQ for Shared/Email/Dedicated VPS hosting


Vocabulary on Shared Web Hosting/Email/Dedicated Servers VPS.

This documentation will give you definitions of the terms used in Shared/Email/Dedicated Server VPS hosting. At the end, you will find a Frequently Asked Questions section.

What isshared hosting?

Shared hosting is a type of Internet hosting intended mainly for websites, in a technical environment where the main characteristic of the server is that it is shared by several users.

What isa VPS server?

A Virtual Private Server is a method of partitioning a dedicated server into several independent virtual servers, each with the characteristics of a dedicated server.

What isSEO?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of improving the positioning and visibility of websites in the results pages of search engines or directories.

What iscloud computing?

Cloud computing is a system of storage in the cloud, in other words, dematerialised. Data storage is managed by a remote server to which users connect via an Internet connection. The data is synchronised and accessible from any medium: computer, smartphone or tablet.

What is an Apache server?

This is software that processes HTML / PHP pages on a web server and transmits the information to client browsers.

What isa database?

It's a system for storing data using a special language.

What isPHP / ASP?

These are programming languages used to make web pages dynamic.

What isLinux / Windows / CENTOS / Ubuntu?

These are operating systems that can be used to carry out everyday operations on computers (file management, display, etc.). These systems act as a link between the hardware and the user.

What isOpenVz / KVM?

This is virtualisation software. It allows you to put several virtual servers on one physical server.

What isMysql (Port 3306) / ACCESS (Port) / MySQLServer (Port 1433)?

These are database management systems.

What is webmail? It's a graphical interface for managing email from a web browser.

What isan auto-responder?

An autoresponder automatically sends a reply to the sender when the email is received. It can be used, for example, to notify a holiday or a message confirming receipt.

What isan SSL / SSL certificate?

This is a protocol for securing exchanges on the Internet. The certificate makes it possible to secure data transactions between a server and a client browser using encryption.

What isa Crontab?

Or TacheCron (scheduling table) allows scripts, commands or software to be run automatically at specific time intervals, once an hour for example or every 5 minutes...

What isHotlink Protection?

It's a rule in an HTACCESS file that prevents a user from using your images and displaying them directly on their site, for example (to avoid using bandwidth). In fact, each time the image is loaded on the site it calls the site where the image is stored and therefore the image owner's bandwidth.

What isa 404 error?

This error is displayed when the page requested no longer exists or when there is an error in the part of the URL requested.

What isa 403 error?

This means that the default page (index.xxx) does not exist.

What isa 500 error?

Means that there is an internal server error. It is not necessarily the site host that is responsible, but certainly an error in a file or directory on its own website.

What is Webalizer? This statistical software enables you to analyse the use of web servers by generating reports in the form of web pages from their access logs.

What isa CHMOD?

The Chmod represents file permissions, for example to write, execute, modify and read a file or folder. It is important to protect your files to prevent external connections to your server folders. By default, the root user or server administrator has full access to all permissions. You can change this easily in all our shared hosting packages with the Plesk Panel.

What isPresence Builder / Site Creator / Page Builder?

These are tools that allow you to create a website without the need for code directly from a browser. These tools are easy to learn and suitable for beginners.

What isPhp/Myadmin?

It's a web interface accessible directly from your web browser that lets you manage your databases.

What isa Parking page?

This is a simple page that you put on your site so that Internet users have a small presentation page (contact details, description of the company) while waiting for a website to be officially created.

When is LWS backed up for WEB / Mail / SQL?

WEB: every day MAIL: every day and MYSQL: once a day

What isIMAP (Port 110) IMAPS (Port 993)?

Interactive Mail Access Protocol, a protocol used to retrieve e-mails from mail servers. The emails are stored on the server so that they can be accessed from different email clients or webmail.

What isTLS?

Transport Layer Security is a secure exchange protocol, the successor to SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).

What is traffic?

This is the flow of information that passes through your website.

What isbandwidth?

This is the maximum speed of a communication channel (web or other). 1 Mbits is equivalent to 330GB per month.

What isMode page Speed?

This is a module made by Google for the Apache server that speeds up your website (file compression and other functions to save bandwidth).

What isSSH (Port 22)?

Secure Shell is an encrypted protocol used to connect to a server or administer it from the command line via a console.

What isa changeLog?

This is a file that summarises all the changes that have been made to a file/programme or other.

What is an HTACCESS?

This is a configuration file for Apache that allows you to define rules for a directory and all its sub-directories. Each time a web page in this directory is called up, the HTACCESS will be executed. This can be used to rewrite addresses or protect the current directory, for example.

What isAwstats?

Awstats is a tool for viewing website statistics. It displays the number of visits, unique visitors, pages, hits, transfers, by domain/country, host, time, browser, etc.

What isa mail forwarder?

Allows you to direct all emails received at one email address and send them to another email address automatically.

What isan inode file?

This is a data structure (file with a number) and each structure is associated with a file to describe the details of this file (date created, modified, owner, etc.).

What isa Mysql database?

This is a database that groups all the data on your site into tables.

What isa Mysql table?

A Mysql table is one of the elements of a MySQL database.

What is FTP (Port 21)? File Transfer Protocol is a protocol for transferring files, often used to send files to a website.

What isan ODBC link?

Open Database Connectivity is a register where database information is stored. This software can be used to manage several types of database.

What isIIS?

Internet Informations Service is a Microsoft web server used to process website pages.

What isLWS Auto Install?

This is a package of software that can be installed in one click via the LWS customer area.

What isa mailing list?

A mailing list is a list of email addresses. Several emails are associated with a single address and when an email is sent to this address, it distributes the email to all those attached to it.

What is SPAM?

SPAM is unwanted email that has been sent to us without our consent.

What is SPAM Assassin?

Anti-Spam software that classifies emails as SPAM according to a score defined according to precise rules that can be adapted.

What is Wordpress / Joomla?

These are CMS (Content Management System) applications that run on PHP and MySQL. These CMS make it easy to create an advanced website without needing to code.

What isOsCommerce / Prestashop?

These CMS (Content Management Systems) work with PHP and MySQL, making it easy to create an advanced website without coding.

What isa Web Transfer?

It's a web page from an Internet browser that lets you transfer and manage the files on your website.

What isHTML?

Hypertext Markup Language, a language used to design basic web pages using tags (e.g. ).

What isan index page?

This is the default page for a website in general, often called index.html, index.php, etc.

What isthe POP (110) POPS (995) protocol?

Post Office Protocol, a protocol for receiving mail on servers or mail clients.

What isSMTP (25) SMTPS (587) ?

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, simple protocol for sending mail used by mail servers and clients.

What isa mail / email?

It is an electronic message (electronic letter). An email is similar to a letter. There is a sender, a recipient, a subject, content and sometimes attachments (for example, a photo or any other computer file).

What isan e-mail address?

This is an electronic address that enables us to receive emails (monadresse@mondomaine.com). The electronic address is unique, like the postal address.

What isan email signature?

This is additional information that is automatically added at the end of your email. It generally consists of contact information containing : Surname, first name, logo, address, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add an e-mail account?

E-mail accounts can be created in just a few clicks from your customer area:

1 ) Click on the "Admin" button for the domain for which you want to create one or more addresses

2 ) Go to the "E-mail administration" section

3 ) Fill in the fields to choose the name of your address, its access password and the quota you wish to allocate to it.

4 ) Confirm → You can now easily view and send your messages from webmail.

How can I easily check and send my messages from webmail?

LWS webmail (Roundcube) is easily accessible via any Internet browser. To access it, follow the steps below:

1 ) Type the address http://mail.votredomaine.ext into your browser (yourdomain.ext is an example, replace these words with your own domain name)

2 ) Enter the full e-mail address you wish to use as your User Name

3 ) Enter the password you chose when creating this email address

4 ) Select your preferred language

5 ) Click on the "Login" button

How do I configure my e-mail address in my e-mail software?

E-mail addresses created in the LWS Panel customer area can be easily configured in any e-mail software (Outlook, Thunderbird, Mac Mail, etc.) and any mobile device (iphone, ipad, smartphone, etc.).

Find out how to configure an email address in an email program here.

I've reached my email disk space, what should I do?

You can choose the maximum space allocated to each of your mailboxes from your customer area under the heading "Email administration". If you have reached the maximum limit that can be allocated, we invite you to connect to your email account via the webmail available in your customer area in order to delete emails from this mailbox.

Currently on a shared package, you are limited to 2 GB of disk space per mailbox, and you can store 10,000 emails.

You can increase this quota by subscribing to an additional email option by clicking on the 'Do you need more email space? link below the 'Maximum storage space for emails' gauge. If you want to increase this limit (to have more than 5GB of disk space per email account), you'll need to upgrade to a VPS package.

I can no longer send email: sender address rejected, too many spams

his type of error indicates that you have exceeded the limits for sending and/or receiving emails linked to your package.

If you have not sent this type of email, we invite you to change the password associated with your email account from your customer area and the "email administration" section, then by clicking on the email box on which you wish to take this action.

If your account has been permanently suspended, please contact customer support so that our technical team can analyse the error and manually unblock your account if it complies with our security conditions.

How do I use SiteBuilder Pro software?

How do I install software using the Auto-Installer?

You can easily install software such as Joomla, Wordpress, Prestashop etc. from your customer area. To do this, click on the "Admin" button for the domain on which you want to install software and go to the "LWS Auto-install" section.

Click here to find out how to install the LWS auto-installer.

What is a VPS?

Virtual Private Servers involve the customer administering the machine itself, which allows greater freedom of use of resources and configuration. But these are more parameters that need to be mastered, and you need to anticipate the possible reactions of your site.

Are the VPS packages ready to use?

Yes, the machines are delivered ready to use: all the services you need to run a website, web application or email service are already installed by us.

As the administrator of your server, you are free to modify all the configurations that have already been delivered.

Can I host adult content on web hosting?

Our web hosting packages allow you to publish several websites separately and transparently for your visitors.

Find out more about the multi-domain function included in our shared web hosting packages.

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