How do I create an email redirect to several recipients?


What is email redirection?

Email redirection allows you to redirect emails to several other email addresses. For example, you can create a"" address and define one or more redirection addresses. In this way, all emails sent to"" will be automatically forwarded to the redirection addresses in complete transparency.

Please note: This documentation does not apply to cPanel packages. For cPanel packages, please refer to this documentation

The procedure differs slightly depending on the graphic theme used in Roundcube. This documentation explains the two procedures depending on the theme you are using.

Procedure with the Larry? theme

1. Connect to your email address via Webmail (Roundcube).

How do I create an email redirect to several recipients?

2. Click on the"Settings" tab in the top right-hand corner of your Webmail.

How do I create an email redirect to several recipients?

3. Click on"Filters" and then on the"+" tab at the bottom of the"Filters" column. Choose a filter name, then select"all emails". Choose"redirect to" when selecting the action, then add the receiving email address. You can add several redirections. To do this, click on the"+" behind the last redirection you created.

How do I create an email redirect to several recipients?
You can configure up to 4 recipients in this way. Beyond that number, the redirection function will no longer work.

If you wish to redirect emails sent to an email address with 5 or more recipients, you will need to use a Mailing List.

Procedure with the Elastic? theme

Connect to your Webmail.

How do I create an email redirect to several recipients?

Click on the"Settings" icon on the left-hand side of your screen.

How do I create an email redirect to several recipients?

Click on the"Filters" tab and choose the filter set on which to add the redirection. Then click on the "Create" button to add a new filter.

How do I create an email redirect to several recipients?

Fill in the various fields as follows:

  • Filter name: define a name for your filter, for example"mail redirection".
  • Scope: choose"all emails".
  • Action: Choose"redirect emails to" and enter the redirection email address in the second field.

How do I create an email redirect to several recipients?

If you wish to add a second email address, click on the"+" behind the first email address you have configured.

How do I create an email redirect to several recipients?

Finally, click on"Save" to save your filter.

Procedure in video :


You can now redirect your email addresses to several other recipients on your LWS web hosting package. You can delete a redirection address at any time and/or cancel all the redirections you have defined.

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Questions sur l'article
Alain Il y a 861 days
Bonjour, Après une heure et demi de recherche, impossible de trouver comment supprimer la copie de courriel automatique que j'avais mis en place il y a plusieurs années vers mon adresse Gmail. La hotline gratuite renvoie automatiquement au site Web. Merci
See the
1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 858 days
Bonjour, à l'époque, il était possible de mettre en place une redirection mail en passant par votre espace client LWS puis en vous rendant sur "Gérer" se trouvant derrière le nom de domaine concerné puis sur "Administrations Emails". En bas de page, cliquez sur "Action/redirection mail" pour se trouvant derrière la boite e-mail concernée. Si vous ne visualisez pas de redirection vers Gmail, je vous invite également à vérifier directement sur Gmail, en vous rendant sur "Paramètres" puis sur "Comptes et importations", que vous n'ayez pas ajouté votre adresse e-mail dans la rubrique "Consulter d'autres comptes de messagerie".
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