How to delete e-mails via webmail


How do I delete mail via webmail?

1. Log into the administration area of your web hosting and click on"Webmail".

How to delete e-mails via webmail

2. To delete an email, select it by clicking on it. Once selected, it will be highlighted in blue, then you can click on"Delete".

How to delete e-mails via webmail

How do I delete several emails?

1. If you want to delete several emails, select the first one by clicking on it

How to delete e-mails via webmail

Then press the"Shift" or "CTRL " key on your keyboard and, keeping one of the keys pressed down, select another email by clicking on it and then click on " Delete ":

Shift' allows you to select bundles of emails, while 'CTRL ' allows you to select just a few.

How to delete e-mails via webmail

Please note that these emails are not deleted entirely, but only moved to the recycle bin.

To empty your recycle bin, click on"Recycle Bin", then click on the menu at the bottom, represented by 3 dots at the top right of the email address, then on"Empty", then confirm by clicking on the "Delete" button when the popup opens.

How to delete e-mails via webmail


You can now delete emails from your inboxes using the Webmail available on your hosting package with LWS.

Note that you can delete and empty your mailbox. These are two different operations. When you delete emails from your inbox, they are transferred to your inbox recycle bin and remain accessible. In this case, you can restore them.

However, once you access the recycle bin to empty it, the emails will no longer be accessible.

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Je vous remercie pour votre message.

Effectivement, lorsque des envois sont effectués à l'aide d'un client/logiciel de messagerie, les éléments envoyés ne serons pas visibles dans le webmail, contrairement aux éléments reçus. Cela est un mode de fonctionnement totalement normal et il n'y a pas à s'inquiéter. 

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