What level of backup should I choose for my web hosting?


A forerunner in data backup on its services, LWS offers a backup service included with all paid hosting subscriptions. This service can be increased via the Business support option. This documentation explains all about the different levels of backup and how to benefit from them.

I. What data is backed up on my services?

LWS makes daily backups of all the data used by its customers. The data backed up are the web files on the hosting, the MySQL databases and the content of email addresses. Whether you have a domain package, a paid hosting package (Personal, Starter, Standard or Performance) or a Mail Pro service, all your data is backed up. However, depending on the level of service you subscribe to, the restoration options will be different.

II. How long are back-ups kept?

Although data is backed up daily, we cannot keep all our customers' backups indefinitely. Data backups represent several terabytes of data every day and their retention can only be limited. The process for storing backups is therefore governed by the following rules:

  • The last 7 daily backups are retained.
  • After 7 days, only 1 weekly backup is kept for up to 2 months.
  • After two months, only one backup per month is kept, up to a maximum of 3 months old.

Each customer therefore benefits from a total of 15 backup versions of their data over the last 3 months for web files, MySQL databases and email addresses.

III. What data restoration options are available?

Depending on the service or options you subscribe to, you will not have the same restoration options.

The table below summarises the different options available to you.

Subscribed service Data restoration options
30-day backup Backup from 30 to 90 days
Domain package Web files: Managed services
Email content : Managed services
Web File : Managed Services
Email content : Managed services
Pro Mail Addresses Email content : Included Email content : Included
Paid hosting package (Personal to Performance, etc.) Web file : Included
MySQL database : Included
Email content : Managed hosting
Web file: Managed
MySQL database: Managed
Email content: Managed
Paid hosting package (Personal to Performance, etc.) + Pro Mail Addresses Web file: Included
MySQL database: Included
Email content: Included
Web file: Managed hosting
MySQL Database: Managed
Email content : Included
Business support option Web file: Included
MySQL database: Included
Email content : Included
Web File : Included
MySQL Database : Included
Email content : Included

IV. How do I restore my data?

Referring to the table below, check whether your service includes a restore from the LWS Panel or whether you need to open a managed service.

If your service offers included restoration, refer to the following documentation to carry out the procedure for restoring your data:

If, on the other hand, you need to open a managed service, you should refer to the documentation on opening a managed service.

The outsourcing package to choose is as follows: Backup Search at €49 excluding VAT.


You now know how to :

  • Secure your data with the backup services offered by LWS,
  • Understand the frequency and retention of backups,
  • Identify the different restoration options depending on your hosting package,
  • Restore data via the LWS Panel or by opening a managed service.

🔒 Whether for web files, MySQL databases or the content of your emails, LWS ensures that you have the necessary means to recover your precious information should the need arise. With daily backups and a history extending up to 3 months, your peace of mind is our priority.

💡 Whether you're a novice or a seasoned professional, managing your backups and restores has never been so accessible and secure. We hope this article has enlightened you on the importance of backup and the services offered by LWS to protect your data.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. If you have any questions or would like to share your experience with the LWS backup service, please feel free to leave a comment. Your feedback is invaluable and helps us to continually improve our services 🙂

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