How to use the Gitlab CE KVM template


How to use the Gitlab CE KVM template

GitLab CE template

The GiLlab CE template contains a ready-to-use Gitlab installation. You can install it from the LWS panel KVM.

GitLab is an open-source DevOps platform. Its mission is to help teams collaborate on software development and provide a place where everyone can contribute.

This application lets you manage changes to documents and more.

Getting started

By default, Gitlab is accessible via the IP of your server, communicated in the delivery email of your VPS and easily found in the LWS Panel KVM.

How to use the Gitlab CE KVM template

However, you can choose to install a Let's encrypt certificate on the sub-domain linked to your vps (in the form or on a domain name of your choice! To do this, simply point the domain name to your VPS (for example: and connect to your VPS via SSH using the login details sent by email to the contact email address for your LWS account.

Once you have connected via SSH, you should see the certificate installation help. This will guide you through the process and provide additional support for Let's Encrypt. If you choose to ignore Let's Encrypt, you can always activate it another time (see Activate Let's Encrypt after installation).

How to use the Gitlab CE KVM template

You can choose to leave the default domain name or enter the domain name pointing to your VPS.

You will then be asked if you want to create a Let's Encrypt certificate for the configured domain name.

How to use the Gitlab CE KVM template

Once configured, you will be reminded of your credentials and you will be able to connect to the address indicated.

Activate Let's Encrypt after installation

Let's Encrypt provides digital certificates that are required to activate the HTTPS (SSL/TLS) protocol for websites.

To enable Let's Encrypt after running the initial script, please follow the steps below.

Change the value of external_url in the following file:


You can use your favourite text editor to change the value (e.g. Vim).

Next, run gitlab reconfiguration:

gitlab-ctl reconfigure

Gitlab will change everything for SSL and obtain a valid Let's Encrypt certificate.

Content of the template

Operating system :

  • Ubuntu 24.04

Installed packages :

  • gitlab-ce
  • perl
  • postfix
  • apache


For more information on the installed packages, please refer to their official documentation :





Let's Encrypt


You now know how to :

  • Install GitLab CE from the LWS Panel KVM for optimum collaboration on your development projects.
  • Access your GitLab instance via the IP of your server or a custom domain name.
  • Configure a Let's Encrypt certificate to secure your GitLab platform and benefit from an HTTPS connection.
  • Change the value of external_url and restart GitLab configuration to activate Let's Encrypt after installation.
  • Discover the contents of the GitLab CE template, including essential packages such as gitlab-ce, perl, postfix, and apache.
  • Find additional information by consulting the official documentation for the installed packages.

By following these steps, you've taken a big step towards smoother, more secure project management 🚀. The GitLab platform is now at your service to host, manage and track your development work with ease and professionalism 😎.

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