Limits and quotas for cPanel shared web hosting packages


What is cPanel shared web hosting?

cPanel shared web hosting is a package that provides :

  • one or more domain names (depending on the package chosen)
  • disk space (depending on the package chosen)
  • e-mail addresses (from 15 to unlimited, depending on the package chosen)
  • MySQL/MariaDB databases (from 2 to unlimited depending on the package chosen)
  • cPanel control panel
  • website creation software included
  • Let's Encrypt SSL certificate included for each domain name and sub-domain
  • a console terminal accessible from cPanel
  • SSH access (from pack L)
  • remote access to MySQL/MariaDB databases
  • numerous advanced functions (cron tasks, firewall, caching system, etc)
  • a wide range of programming languages supported (PHP, Perl, Ruby on Rails, Node.JS, etc)
  • the ability to host several websites
  • and much more.

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Quotas & Limits cPanel web hosting

  • E-mail limits
E-mail limits






Number of emails sent per hour*. 100 120 150 250 350
Maximum number of simultaneous IMAP connections per IP**. 20
Number of mailboxes 15 unlimited
Max GB storage per mailbox 5 Gb 25 GB 50 GB
Maximum attachment size (Webmail) 25 MB maximum
Maximum attachment size (SMTP) 100 MB maximum
Maximum number of recipients per email 25

*Beyond the limit of e-mails sent per hour, e-mails sent will be returned as undeliverable. In this case, you will have to wait an hour before you can send e-mails again.

**After 20 POP & IMAP connections via the same IP address, connection attempts will give an "incorrect login" error.

To avoid any problems, it is advisable to disable POP & IMAP logging or to configure it so that automatic logging takes place every 10 minutes.

  • Inode limits
Inode limit






Number of files (inodes) 1 000 000 2 000 000 3 000 000 4 000 000 5 000 000

The number of inodes corresponds to the number of files and folders you can host on your disk space.

On a cPanel XL hosting package, you can store up to 3,000,000 files.

Once the file limit has been reached, it will no longer be possible to publish files online, create an e-mail address, insert data in your database, etc. You will then have to clean up the files in your database.

You will then need to clean up the files in your hosting space or contact our support team for personalised advice.

  • Resource limits






Processor (CPU)* 7 8 9 13 17
Random Access Memory (RAM) 4 GB 8 GB RAM 12 GB 16 GB 24 GB
Disk I/O 1 GB/s 1.5 GB/s 2 GB/s

The MySQL service is not subject to these limits.

*Your account can use 100% of CPU resources for a maximum of 490 seconds. The CPU quota is divided into 5 CPUs for MySQL and the rest for the web service. For example, for a cPanel XL, you have 5 CPUs for MySQL and 4 CPUs for the web service (PHP, Node.js, Python, etc.).

** No limit on the number of read/write operations per second (IOPS). If excessive disk usage is detected, limits may be applied to the cPanel account in terms of volume (in MB per second) and/or activity (in operations per second).

  • Process limits and simultaneous connections
Process limits and simultaneous connections






Number of processes* 45 80 100 150 180
Simultaneous MySQL connections 30

* Processes are the execution of a command in the server that performs a specific task. For multithreaded processes, each thread is counted as a process.

Some tools such as Node.JS and Python require one or more processes ( daemons) running constantly in the background, even without a visitor.

** Different MySQL connection limits may apply if abuse is detected.

  • Bandwidth limits

Bandwidth is unlimited on all cPanel web hosting packages.

To find out more about unlimited shared web hosting, see our terms and conditions.

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Bonjour, si vous désirez disposer de plus d'inodes sur une formule cPanel, je vus invite à changer de formule pour une formule plus performante. La formule cPanel XL permet de disposer de 480 000 fichiers inodes. Vous pouvez changer de formule en vous rendant sur votre espace client, cliquez sur "Gérer" se trouvant derrière la formule concernée puis sur "Changer de formule" pour cela. Le tarif sera calculé au prorata du temps restant sur la formule actuelle.
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 874 days
Bonjour, si vous avez besoin de plus de ressources. Il vous faudra changer de formule pour une formule supérieure. Vous pouvez changer de formule en vous rendant sur votre espace client, cliquez sur "Gérer" se trouvant derrière le domaine concerné puis sur "Changer de formule". Après vérification au niveau de votre formule, l'un de vos sites semble utiliser beaucoup de ressources. Je vous invite à vérifier qu'un plugin ne soit pas en cause.
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Je vous remercie pour votre message, malheureusement ce type d'opérations n'est pas possible sur cPanel.

Premièrement, car cPanel est installé sur CentOS et celui-ci ne dispose pas d'APT, quand bien même, il disposerait d'APT des accès root sont nécessaires et cela n'est pas possible sur cPanel.

Je vous remercie pour votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information.

Cordialement, L'équipe LWS.

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