Conditions for unlimited shared web hosting


Basic principles of our packages with unlimited storage, unlimited mailboxes, unlimited databases

Depending on your package, the following resources may be limited:

  • The number of e-mail addresses
  • The number of MySQL databases
  • Web space
  • Traffic

Details and conditions on unlimited storage:
Unlimited storage is storage reserved solely for the files on your site. It cannot be used for archiving data such as email, computer files, backups, etc.
The size limit for each file is 500 MB on all our Linux shared web hosting packages with LWS Panel and 1024 MB for cPanel shared hosting.

Details and conditions on unlimited e-mail addresses:
On Linux shared hosting with Lws Panel :
The number of email accounts is unlimited, but there is an overall quota of 50GB of storage for the mail service, Maximum quota of 5GB per mailbox, Maximum 30,000 emails stored per mailbox.
On cPanel shared hosting:
The number of email accounts is unlimited, but there is an overall quota of 25GB of storage for the email service, maximum quota of 5GB per mailbox, maximum of 30,000 emails stored per mailbox.

Details and conditions on unlimited MySQL and MariaDB databases:
On LwsPanel and cPanel Linux shared hosting packages:
The number of databases is unlimited but there is a global database storage quota of 15GB, quota per database 1GB and size per table is 150MB maximum.

Details and conditions on unlimited monthly traffic:
For Linux shared hosting with LWS Panel, the optimum bandwidth is 100Mbs, limited to xx GB (depending on the package) / 30 rolling days depending on the package chosen. Beyond these values, the bandwidth is limited to 2Mbs, in order to guarantee optimum quality of service.

For Linux shared hosting with cPanel, the optimum bandwidth is 100Mbs, but if your website requires resources that present a risk to the stability, performance or uptime of our servers, we will warn you and ask you to take corrective action, and we may restrict resources or ask you to choose a subscription more suited to your needs.

What is useful to remember :
Use your space forhosting the pages of your website and not for online storage (such as backups, films etc etc...). We provide disk space and bandwidth in very large quantities in order to satisfy our customers. In fact, over 99.95% of our customers have enough disk space and bandwidth to meet their needs. So you have the resources you need to build your online presence.

Conditions for unlimited shared web hosting

We would also like to remind you that our services are not intended for storing or sharing files.

How do you determine 'normal' operation for shared hosting?

We have detailed statistics enabling us to define the standard in terms of disk space and bandwidth. 99.95% of our customers are within this standard.

Generally speaking, customers who need more disk space and bandwidth (0.05%) use their accounts for mass file storage or sharing rather than hosting websites, which do not meet the "normal" conditions for use of a "classic" website (personal, small to medium-sized company). We would also like to remind you that our services are not intended for storing or sharing files. Although it is very rare, we may need to place constraints on accounts that use resources beyond what is expected in the normal operation of a "classic" website.

This standard in terms of disk space and bandwidth has been defined based on detailed statistics (we have 15 years of experience on more than 500,000 open accounts).

If you're not sure whether your website requires more than the standard or not, don' t hesitate to contact our teams before placing an order. We'd be delighted to discuss it with you so that we can provide you with the best possible guidance.

What happens if I go beyond 'normal' usage?

If we have concerns about the bandwidth or disk space you are using, you will receive an email asking you to reduce your usage. We'll advise you on the hosting solution best suited to your needs (VPS server, dedicated server). We'll also help you migrate your data if necessary to your new web hosting platform.

Once again, the most common situations involve customers who use their accounts to store multimedia files, particularly files that are not linked to their websites. It is very rare for a customer who manages a "classic" website to go beyond "normal" usage.

In conclusion, you have nothing to worry about

According to our statistics, 99% of websites can be hosted on this type of hosting package.

What is the difference between unlimited shared hosting and VPS servers?

Each of our cPanel cloud server or dedicated VPS server packages comes with limited quotas for disk space, vCPU, IO, IOPS and RAM memory.

So what's the difference?

If you want to use your CPU 100% 24 hours a day, you can.

If you want to use 100% of your RAM memory 24 hours a day, you can.

You can use your disk space for back-ups or create an e-mail inbox that uses the entire quota, that's possible.

You get a server all to yourself.

Your activity will have no impact on other websites.

If you're on a shared hosting package and you're limited, it's because your package isn't suitable for shared hosting.

We can migrate your site to a VPS server free of charge.

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