SPAM-related email error codes: L-SPAMXX



Welcome to our documentation dedicated to resolving the errors obtained when sending emails detected as SPAM and to managing the sending of emails on LWS. Here, you will learn all about these errors and how to manage them effectively to avoid unwanted blocking of your emails. Our aim is to provide you with clear and concise information to help you get the most out of your email service.

I. Understanding L-SPAMXX errors

To ensure that every LWS customer gets the most out of their email service, we have set up an anti-spam system that scans every email that leaves or passes through our facilities. This system cannot be deactivated; it ensures that our IPs maintain a good reputation with the mail services of other service providers by limiting the flow of undesirable mail that could be sent from our facilities. This process involves the use of the RSPAMD service installed on our email servers. The system applies filtering rules based on the content of the email, awarding bonus or penalty points according to the seriousness of each rule. If the total score exceeds 8 points, the email is identified as spam.

II. Quotas and blocking times for L-SPAMXX type errors

Error code Error description Reference period Blocking time Blocking target
L-SPAM00 The email address has sent 1 email considered as SPAM 20 minutes email address concerned only
L-SPAM10 The email address has sent 20 emails considered as SPAM over the reference period 24 hour period 24 hours email address concerned only
L-SPAM20 The email address has sent 40 emails considered as SPAM over the reference period 7 days Unblocking via Mail Abuse email address concerned only
L-SPAM30 The email address has sent 80 emails considered as SPAM over the reference period 60 days Unblock via Mail Abuse email address concerned only
L-SPAM40 The email address has sent 120 emails considered as SPAM over the reference period 120 days Unblock via Mail Abuse email address concerned only
L-SPAM11 3 different email addresses have sent 60 spam mails over the reference period or 10 different email addresses have sent 20 spam mails over the reference period 24-hour period 24 hours domain email addresses
L-SPAM21 3 different email addresses sent 120 spam e-mails during the reference period or 15 different email addresses sent 40 spam e-mails during the reference period 7 days Unblocking via Mail Abuse domain email addresses
L-SPAM31 3 different email addresses sent 240 spam mails during the reference period or 20 different email addresses sent 80 spam mails during the reference period 60 days Unblocking via Mail Abuse domain email addresses

The blocking periods are in place to prevent repeated sending of emails considered to be spam. Once this period has elapsed, you will be able to send emails from your email address(es) again.

III. Unblocking Your Mail Service

A. Unblocking L-SPAM00, L-SPAM10 and L-SPAM11 errors

We consider that you may not be the author of the SPAM emails sent, but that they may have been sent by an unauthorised person with access to your email addresses.

To reactivate the sending of emails from your email address(es), you need to change the password of your email account in your LWS customer area by following this documentation. Follow the detailed procedure to change the password, which will block access to your mailbox for any unauthorised person.

Unlocking the email service using a password is only allowed once every 6 hours. Before carrying out this operation, it is therefore crucial to determine the cause of the initial blockage and to take all the necessary steps to prevent any further blockages in the future

Don't forget to change the configuration of any devices or software that connect to your email address(es) for which you have changed the password so that they can connect without any problem

B. Unblocking L-SPAM20, L-SPAM21, L-SPAM30, L-SPAM31 and L-SPAM40 errors

The one and only way to unblock your email address(es) is to follow the Mail Abuse procedure.

We invite you to consult this documentation, which will advise you on the actions to take to find and resolve the source of the problem and will give you the procedure to follow to proceed with the unblocking.

Unblocking the mail service using the Mail Abuse procedure is only allowed once every 90 days. Before carrying out this operation, it is therefore crucial to determine the cause of the initial blocking and to take all the necessary steps to avoid any further blocking in the future

IV. Preventing Type L-SPAMXX errors

If you are the source of emails considered to be spam :

You need to understand why the emails you have sent have been blocked and how to prevent them from being blocked the next time you send them. To do this, use the Mail Tracking tool.

If you are not the source of the emails considered to be spam :

Run an anti-virus scan on the device where your email address is configured. Use tools such as TotalAV, PCProtect, McAfee or Avast to remove all traces of viruses or malware. Then change your email account passwords regularly.


We hope that this documentation has been useful in helping you to understand and resolve L-SPAMXX-type errors, and to improve the management of your LWS mailings. By following the steps explained here, you will be able to prevent unwanted blocking and optimise your email communication with your recipients. Don't forget to take security measures into account, in particular by changing your password regularly. If you encounter any difficulties or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our technical support team, who are always ready to help you use our hosting services.

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