Optimize your mail service with the LWS dedicated IP option: How do I do it?



Welcome to this comprehensive guide that will help you understand and manage the Dedicated IP option for your LWS mail service. We will define what a dedicated IP is, why it is useful for sending mail, how it differs from a shared IP, and how to order, configure and terminate this option at LWS. Our aim is to help you optimise your mail service for a better user experience.

I. Definition and benefits of using a dedicated IP

A dedicated IP address, exclusive to your mail service, is similar to having your own numeric postcode. It protects you from the impact of the actions of other mail users, a phenomenon that can occur with a shared IP.

The main contrast between a dedicated IP and a shared IP is in the way they are used. With a dedicated IP, your mail service has its own unique numerical identifier, whereas a shared IP is used by various mail services. The shared IP can have its reputation affected by all its users. So if one of them uses the IP inappropriately, it can disrupt your ability to send email.

Using a dedicated IP to send your emails offers a number of benefits. Primarily, it strengthens the reputation of your IP, protecting it from the actions of other mail users. What's more, it gives you total control over your email activity. In the event of email delivery problems, you can detect and resolve the problem quickly, as your IP is only associated with your emails.

II. How do you order the dedicated IP option for your mail service?

Before ordering a dedicated IP for your mail service, please follow the steps below:

Step 1 : First, log in to your LWS account and access the shared hosting or mail service for which you would like to order a dedicated IP option.

Step 2: Go to the "Email Addresses" section and click on the "Email Administration" icon.

Optimize your mail service with the LWS dedicated IP option: How do I do it?

You will be redirected to another page.

Step 3 : To order the dedicated IP option, click on the link "Modify my email offer".

Optimize your mail service with the LWS dedicated IP option: How do I do it?

A new window will appear, where you can now order your dedicated IP option by ticking the associated box.

Optimize your mail service with the LWS dedicated IP option: How do I do it?

You can also order professional email addresses from this form, but this is not compulsory in order to benefit from a dedicated IP for sending your emails.

[tips_info] The dedicated IP option is available at a cost of €4.99 excluding VAT/month. At the time of subscription, installation and set-up costs of €19.99 excluding VAT are applied to the first payment[/tips].

Once you have made your choice, complete your order by clicking on the "Confirm" button.

Step 4: You will then be redirected to the quote for your order. We invite you to pay for it using the payment method you prefer in order to finalise the process and launch the installation of the dedicated IP.

Optimize your mail service with the LWS dedicated IP option: How do I do it?

The option will be activated within the hour.

The commitment period for the dedicated IP option is aligned with the commitment period for the attached domain or hosting. If you therefore have 3 months remaining on your hosting product, we will ask you to pay 3 months' subscription for the dedicated IP option. When you renew, you will have to renew the hosting product AND the dedicated IP option, which are two different products and are ordered separately. If one of the two renewals is not carried out, sending emails from your email addresses may not work properly

III. How do I configure my dedicated IP option?

The configuration of your dedicated IP option depends on where your domain's DNS Zone is managed. Configuring the option requires you to modify and add records in your domain's DNS Zone.

If your domain's DNS Zone is managed by the LWS Panel, you won't need to do any configuration, as LWS will automatically configure it on delivery.

However, in the following cases, you will have to configure it manually:

  • The DNS Zone is managed on a LWS VPS server
  • The DNS Zone is managed on hosting with a cPanel control panel
  • The DNS Zone is managed on hosting with a Plesk control panel
  • You use the DNS of Cloudflare or another CDN
  • You use the DNS of an external service provider (Wix or another registrar)

If you are in one of the cases listed above, you need to do two things to get your Dedicated IP up and running.

To manage the DNS zone for your domain name, please refer to the following documentation:

If the DNS Zone for your domain is managed by another service provider, please contact their support department and provide them with the information below so that they can make the DNS Zone changes for your domain.

To find out the Dedicated IP of your option, you need to go to the administration page of your mail service on the LWS Panel. The Dedicated IP is displayed with your email quotas as shown in the screenshot below:

Optimize your mail service with the LWS dedicated IP option: How do I do it?

[tips_info] In the rest of this procedure, the indication [domaine.ext] should be replaced by your domain name (for example: lws.fr), and the indication [ip dédiée] should be replaced by the actual value of your Dedicated IP.[/tips]

1) Changing the SPF record in the DNS Zone.

Step 1: Locate the TXT record with the name "@" or [domain.ext] and the value: v=spf1 ... -all (the "..." represents a series of parameters that can be more or less long).

Step 2: without deleting the parameters already saved, add the Dedicated IP of the option subscribed to by adding the parameter: IP4:[dedicated ip].

2) Adding a Type A record

Step 1: access the form for creating a DNS record in the DNS Zone of your domain name

Step 2: add the Type A record with the name ipdediee.[domain.ext ] and the value [dedicated ip].

Once you have modified the DNS records, you will need to wait between 1H and 24H for the DNS records to propagate before you can see that everything is working properly

IV. How do I cancel the Dedicated IP option for my mail service?

Step 1 : First, you need to log in to your LWS account and access the shared hosting or mail service for which you want to order a dedicated IP option.

Step 2: Go to the "Email Addresses" section and click on the "Email Administration" icon.

Optimize your mail service with the LWS dedicated IP option: How do I do it?

Step 3: On the page that appears, click on the link"Cancel my IP".

Optimize your mail service with the LWS dedicated IP option: How do I do it?

Step 4: The configuration page for your email service will then appear. You will then need to tick the box"Remove the Premium SMTP option (Dedicated IP)" (1) and then click on the"Validate" button (2).

Optimize your mail service with the LWS dedicated IP option: How do I do it?

Step 5 : You will then be redirected to the quote where you can finalise the operation by clicking on the "Confirm your order" button.

Optimize your mail service with the LWS dedicated IP option: How do I do it?

Your Dedicated IP option will then be deleted within the hour.

The removal of the Dedicated IP option is free of charge. However, you will lose the commitment paid at the time of your order. If you wish to take up the option again at a later date, you will have to pay €4.99 excluding VAT per month of remaining commitment + €19.99 excluding VAT for installation costs. Before removing this option, please make sure that you do not want to use it again


In conclusion, the dedicated IP option for your LWS mail service offers many advantages in terms of IP control and reputation. However, ordering, configuring and cancelling it requires some understanding. We hope this guide will help you navigate these processes easily and get the most out of your LWS mail service.

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