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Managing DNS Zone records is essential to correctly configuring your domain name and running your online services. ISPConfig is a popular open source web hosting control panel that allows you to easily manage your domain's DNS Zone records. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to effectively manage DNS Zone records on the ISPConfig control panel.
Before diving into the management of DNS Zone records, it is important to understand what the DNS Zone is. The DNS Zone is a part of the DNS (Domain Name System) server configuration that contains specific records for your domain name. These records are used to redirect traffic to the appropriate servers, configure sub-domains, manage email addresses and much more.
The first step to managing DNS Zone records on ISPConfig is to access the control panel. Log in to your ISPConfig account using your login details.
Once logged into the ISPConfig control panel, search for and click on the "Websites" or "Web" option in the main menu. You will be directed to the list of websites hosted on your account. Choose the website for which you wish to manage DNS Zone records.
To add a new DNS Zone record, follow the steps below depending on the type of record you wish to create:
For other DNS Zone record types, follow similar steps by selecting the appropriate record type from the drop-down menu and filling in the required fields.
If you wish to modify an existing DNS Zone record, find the record in the list of DNS records and click the "Modify" button. Make the necessary changes and click "Save" to save the changes.
To delete a record from the DNS Zone, find the record in the list of DNS records and click the "Delete" button. Confirm the deletion when prompted.
After making changes to the DNS Zone records, it is important to check the DNS propagation to ensure that the changes are visible throughout the Internet. Use online tools such as DNS Checker or What's My DNS to check the propagation of your domain's DNS records.
Managing DNS Zone records on ISPConfig is an essential process for configuring your domain name and running your online services. By following the steps described in this article, you will be able to add, modify and delete DNS Zone records for your domain. Be sure to check DNS propagation to confirm that changes are being propagated. Use this article as a reference guide to help you effectively manage your DNS Zone records on the ISPConfig control panel.
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