It's easy to configure my domains on my VPS


What is the purpose of domain auto-installation on ISPConfig?

LWS provides a tool to easily configure domains on its VPS ISP Config.

This tool automatically configures the domain's DNS zone and adds the domain to the VPS. Several services will be created automatically: a database, a mailbox and an FTP account.

How do I access the domain auto-installer under ISPconfig via my LWS panel customer area?

1. Log in to your LWS Panel customer area

2. Click on the"Servers" tab and then on the "Manage" button.

It's easy to configure my domains on my VPS

4. Click on the Configure a domain button on IspConfig

It's easy to configure my domains on my VPS

5. Indicate whether or not the domain is hosted by LWS and specify the domain you want to configure on your VPS.

It's easy to configure my domains on my VPS

If the domain is hosted by LWS, you will have to choose it from the drop-down list of your different domains.

If the domain is hosted elsewhere, simply enter the domain name.

6. Validate and Confirm

If the domain is hosted by LWS, its DNS zone will be automatically modified to redirect it to your VPS.

A mailbox, FTP account and database will automatically be created on ISP Config.


  • How do I configure an external domain on a VPS server with ISPCONFIG installed?

If your domain is not managed by LWS, please follow this procedure to associate your domain with ISPCONFIG: How do I configure an external domain on a VPS?

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