How do I configure an external domain on a VPS?


Why set up a domain name on your ISPConfig VPS server?

You may have bought a domain name from another provider and want to link it to your ISPConfig VPS server at LWS. To do this, and to be able to manage your domain name from a single location at a later date, it is advisable to change the DNS servers for your domain name and not the DNS type A zone.

This tutorial will explain how:

  • How to create DNS servers on your ISPConfig VPS server
  • How to add Zones to your domain name using ISPConfig.

How to create your DNS servers on a VPS?

1. The creation of the Zone is done through the wizard available on your ISPConfig interface. Once you are connected to your ISPConfig management interface, click on the"DNS" tab,"DNS Zones" section and select"Add new DNS Zone With Wizard".

How do I configure an external domain on a VPS?

2. Fill in the form without forgetting to replace the domain name and IP address in question:

How do I configure an external domain on a VPS?

  • Model: the model to be used is"default".
  • Server: this is the default value. No changes need to be made.
  • Client: this is the client to which the domain name will be added.
  • Domain: enter the domain name that will be linked to your VPS server
  • IP address: this is the IP address attached to your VPS server.
  • NS1: This is the primary DNS server for your domain name. Specify ( must be replaced by your domain name).
  • NS2: The second DNS server to be used is that of LWS, i.e.

Then click on the"Create DNS registration" button and return to the Zones you have just created.

3. Fill in the"Authorise Zone transfers" field with theIP address (this is the IP address attached to the DNS server). Click on the"Save" button to validate your request.

How do I configure an external domain on a VPS?

4. To create the records, re-edit the Zone by clicking on the domain name.

How do I configure an external domain on a VPS?

5. Click on the"Registration" tab.

How do I configure an external domain on a VPS?

6. Add a type A record for the Zones and Click on the"Register" button once you have filled in all the fields for each Zone.

How do I configure an external domain on a VPS?

7. Check your zones. You should find the two Zones added above.

How do I configure an external domain on a VPS?

How do you link the external domain name to your VPS?

Contact the provider managing your domain name and give them the following DNS:


Once the DNS servers have been changed for your external domain name, you will need to wait up to 24 hours for them to propagate and for your domain name to be linked to your VPS server.

How do I manage the DNS zones of the external domain?

Once the DNS servers have been modified by your provider, the only active zones that can be modified are on your ISPConfig VPS server. In order to modify the Zones. To do this, connect to your VPS, click on"DNS" and then on the domain name concerned.

How do I configure an external domain on a VPS?

Click on the"Registration" tab and choose the type of Zone to add to your domain name.

How do I configure an external domain on a VPS?

Fill in the fields for the Zone you want to add and click on the "Register" button.

How do I configure an external domain on a VPS?

Procedure in video


You can now create DNS servers on your VPS server to link your external domain to it. You can also modify the DNS Zones on your ISPConfig Server. Please note that after each modification, you need to wait up to 24 hours for them to propagate and be functional on your domain name.

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