How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?


How to manage a MySQL database using the PHPMyAdmin utility

PhpMyadmin is a free open source platform used to administer your MySQL database using a web browser.

This article explains how to manage your database using this utility.

To manage a MySQL database, connect to your phpmyadmin interface:

For LWS Standard Linux shared packages

For cPanel/CLoudCP packages

For VPS packages

How to create a table in the database :

To create a table, first select the database where you want to add the table.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Scroll to the bottom of the page, enter the name of the table to be created and the number of columns(1) then click on the "Run" button(2).

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

A new page will appear allowing you to configure the columns in your table.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

On this page, you can add new columns (1), enter a name, a value type (string, number, etc.), a maximum size for the values, whether you allow null or empty values (2), define a primary key (Index) and activate auto-incrementing of the value for each new record (3).

Once the records have been created, you need to click on"Save" (4) to definitively validate the creation of the new table.

How to create a record in the database :

To create a record, select the database concerned (1 ) then, once the list of tables has been displayed, select the table (2) where you wish to add a record, then click on the Insert menu (3).

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

A page similar to the screenshot below appears, where you can enter the values you want (respecting the type of value in the record: number, character string, etc.).

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Once you have entered the values, click on"Execute" to add the new record definitively.

How to modify a record :

To modify a record, first select the database concerned (1) and then click on the table (2 ) for which you want to modify the record.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

To modify a record, click on the'Edit' link to the left of each record.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Modify the various fields as required. Note that you must respect the'Type' of each line (varchar, datetime, password, etc.). Once you have entered the various values, click on the"Execute" button at the bottom of the page to save your request.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

How to empty a table :

Select the database(1) for which you have a table to empty and click on the"Empty"(2) tab located behind the table concerned.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

If you wish to empty several tables simultaneously, select the database(1 ) for which you wish to empty certain tables. Tick the boxes(2 ) in front of the boxes to be emptied and select"Empty"(3) in the drop-down window.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Click on the"Yes" button to confirm that you wish to delete the data from your various tables. Please note that this action cannot be reversed.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

How to delete several tables :

Select the database(1 ) for which you have a MySQL table to delete and click on the"delete" tab behind the table concerned.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

A new window will open asking you to confirm the deletion of your table. Click"Ok" to confirm. Please note that this action is irreversible.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

To delete several tables, select the database for which you want to delete several tables, select the tables concerned by ticking the box in front of each one and select delete in the"With selection" drop-down window.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Click on the"Yes" button to proceed with deleting your tables. Please note that this action cannot be reversed.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

How to repair a table :

Select the database for which you want to repair the tables. Tick the boxes in front of the tables you want to repair and select"Repair the table" in the "With selection" drop-down window at the bottom of the page.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Changing the database sort :

Select the database for which you want to change the sort order and click on the"Operations" tab in the menu at the top of the page.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Then modify the collation from the drop-down menu (1) and press the"Execute" button (2).

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Export tables :

Select the database for which you wish to export tables. Tick the boxes in front of the tables you wish to export and select"Export" from the"With selection" drop-down window.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Click on the"Execute" button to save the selected tables on your computer.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Exporting a database :

Select the database you wish to export and click on the"Export" tab at the top of the page.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Choose the"SQL" format in the drop-down window and click on the"Execute" button.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Importing a database :

Toimport a MySQL database, once you have logged into PHPMyAdmin, click on the database you wish to import. Then click on the"Import" button.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Choose the file you wish to import by clicking on the"Choose a file" button. The file can be in Gzip, Zip or SQL format. Finally, click on the"Execute" button at the bottom of the page.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Search for a term in table records and open a found record:

You can search one or more MySQL tables. To do this, click on the database you want to search and then on the"Search" button at the top of the page.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

Enter the keyword you are looking for in the"Search words or values" field and click on the"Execute" button at the bottom of the page.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?

You can open a found record by clicking on the 'Browse' tab behind the line for which a match has been found.

How can I manage a MySQL database from PHPMyAdmin?


You are now able to manage your MySQL database on your shared hosting with LWS. It is advisable to empty certain tables regularly, such as the tables containing your website logs.

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