How to import a large MySQL database


When should you use this tutorial?

The size limit per MySql table is 100MB. This limit applies to all LWS shared web hosting packages.

If you have a database that exceeds this size, this tutorial explains how to import it into your hosting package

How do I import a database larger than 100MB?

To import the database, you need to download a script that will perform this operation.

Go to the following page: https: //

How to import a large MySQL database

on the far right of the screen, click on the BigDump script link to download the script archive to your computer.

Then unzip the archive on your PC and open the bigdump.php file using your favourite text editor.

How to import a large MySQL database

Add your phpMyAdmin access details from line 41 to line 44. If you have forgotten these details, you can go to this page to retrieve them.

Save the php file, then open FileZilla and connect to your FTP

How to import a large MySQL database

Select the bigdump.php file and right-click on it, then Send to publish the file to your FTP.

The script is now published to the root of your FTP next to the database to be imported

Navigate to your domain and add bigdump.php to the end of your url. For example, if your domain is, the url would be: http: //

The following window will appear:

How to import a large MySQL database

The script automatically detects the database located in the same directory and displays the information in a column

In our case, the database is database.sql and is approximately 150MB in size.

Click on the Start import link to begin importing

How to import a large MySQL database

The script will import the database, and you can view the progress of the operation, such as the number of requests processed and the size in MB....

If the import is successful, you will see the following window:

How to import a large MySQL database

The green message indicates that the import was successful and that you should delete the script and the database from your FTP.


You are now able to import a database that exceeds 100MB into shared hosting with LWS. This allows you to put your database online with complete freedom.

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