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1. Connect to your ISPConfig interface by following this documentation: https: //help.lws-hosting.com/en/How-do-I-access-ISPConfig-on-my-dedicated-VPS-server
2. Click on"Sites" in the menu at the top of the page.
3. Click on"Database" in the right-hand menu, in the"Database" section of your VPS server.
4. Click on the icon at the end of the column (after the database name) to access the PHPMyAdmin interface. You can also access the PHPMyAdmin interface directly using the following URL:
Note: replace XXXXX with the real number of your VPS server.
5. When you open the new page, you will be asked for a username and password before you can connect to PHPMyAdmin. Enter the information as follows:
6. If the login details have been entered correctly, you should be able to access the PHPMyAdmin login interface asking for the database identifier and the password attached to the database identifier. You can find the user name by going to your ISPConfig interface, clicking on"Sites" and then on"Database user". If you can't remember your password, you can change it via your ISPConfig interface. Note that if you change the database user's password, you will also need to make the change to the configuration file attached to your website.
You are now able to access the PHPMyAdmin interface on your VPS server with LWS.
Feel free to share your comments and questions in the comments section.
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