How do I link my domain to Weebly?


What is Weebly?

Weebly lets you create a free website quickly and easily.

Thanks to this platform, every user can create their own 100% personalised website without any technical knowledge.

Weebly provides each user with a physical address in the form of so that their website can be accessed via any type of medium.

How do I link a domain name to Weebly?

There are 3 methods of linking your domain name to Weebly. They are as follows:

  • By means of a Web redirect : This allows the domain name to be automatically redirected to your website hosted by Weebly.
  • By IP pointing : In order to be able to carry out a DNS pointing, you will need to subscribe to a Premium package with their service, which will allow you to subsequently modify the Zone IPs of your domain name.
  • By cName : You can redirect your domain name by modifying a cName and adding an .htaccess file to your domain so that the domain without WWW can be redirected to the domain with WWW.

How do you associate your domain with Weebly via a Web redirect?

1. Log in to the administration of your web hosting and click on the "Manage " button to the right of the domain concerned.

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

2. Click on"Web redirection".

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

3. Enter the URL given to you by the Weebly service and click on "Validate".

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

4. Weebly services activate SSL by default on your website, so you will also need to activate SSL on your LWS interface if you wish to use a transparent type of redirection. If SSL is not activated on your domain name, you will end up with a blank page instead of your website.

How do I link my domain by IP to Weebly?

First of all, you need to subscribe to a Premium package with their services. Once this has been done, you will need to modify the DNS Zone type A and the cName WWW Zone to make them point to Weebly.

1. Log in to your LWS customer area and click on "Manage".

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

2. Click on"DNS Zone".

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

5. Click on the stylus behind Zone type A for the value"@" to change the IP.

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

6. Enter the IP communicated by Weebly. In our case, this is the IP Then click on the"Save" button to validate your request.

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

7. Delete the cName WWW Zone to recreate it as a Type A Zone. To delete the Zone, click on the cross behind it.

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

8. Then click on the "Confirm" button

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

9. Recreate a Type A Zone for the value WWW. To do this, select"A" in the drop-down window. In the name field, enter"WWW", then in the"Click to configure" box, add the IP address. Then click on"Add".

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

How do I associate my domain with Weebly via a cName entry?

When you create your site with Weebly, you will have a sub-domain under the package if you do not subscribe to a Premium package. You can link your domain by modifying the cname and an .htaccess file.

1. Once you are in the"DNS Zone Management" section of your domain name, click on the stylus behind the WWW Zone to change the value.

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

2. Modify the"Domain name" value by entering the URL of your Weebly site without http and without WWW, for example Don't forget to put a dot after so that the Zone is taken into account and is functional. Click on the"Save" button.

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

3. Then go to your FTP space via LWS WebTransfer to create an .htaccess file that will redirect the domain name without WWW to the domain with WWW.

4. Click on"+ Fchier".

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

5. Enter: .htaccess and click on Confirm .

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

6. Right-click on the .htaccess file and select "Modify ".

How do I link my domain to Weebly?

7. Enter the following directives in the file, remembering to replace "" with your real domain name

RewriteEngine on Rewritecond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ Rewriterule ^(.*)$1 [QSA,L,R=301]

6. Click on the floppy disk at the top left of the page to save your file.

How do I link my domain to Weebly?


You can now link your LWS domain to your Weebly website using three different methods.

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