How do I link my domain name to my wix site?


What is Wix?

Wix lets you create a website easily, quickly and free of charge.

Thanks to a custom-built platform, each user can create their own 100% personalised website, without any technical knowledge.

Wix provides each user with a physical address enabling them to access their website from any device connected to the Internet.

This address, provided free of charge by Wix, will be of the following type:

In order to make your website more attractive to your visitors and above all to add a touch of professionalism and confidence, it is important to have your own personalised domain name, such as

Ligne Web Services SARL allows you to create a domain name for as little as 3.99 euros excluding VAT / year, and to link this domain name to your Wix site at no extra cost.

How do I link a domain name to Wix?

To connect a domain, you must first upgrade your site to a Wix Premium Package, which includes the connection of a domain name. To find out more about Wix packages, click here.

There are 2 ways to connect a domain name to Wix:

  • By DNS pointing: This makes it possible to connect both the web part and the email part of your domain name --> your emails created from the LWS Panel will no longer work.
  • By IP pointing: This allows you to link only the web part of the domain name to Wix --> your emails created from the LWS Panel will still work (you are entitled to at least 2 email addresses with our domain name offers).

How to link your domain name to Wix services without subscribing to a Premium Package

When you create a website using Wix services, you will have a website address like this:

In order for your domain name to point to their services, you will need to make a web redirect from your LWS client space to your Wix website address.

I. Link your domain name to Wix using a name server

This option is only available for Wix premium accounts.

Please note that with a name server configuration, your emails can no longer be managed by our services.

1. Click on the"Site" tab and then on"Connect Domain" to add your domain name.

How do I link my domain name to my wix site?

2. Then tick the"Connect your own personalised domain" box and click on the"Save and continue" button.

How do I link my domain name to my wix site?

Enter your domain and click on the drop-down menu to select the company hosting your domain.

WIX should then send you this type of DNS:

How do I link my domain name to my wix site?

Once you have the DNS, you can change them in your customer area:

II. Redirect your domain name using IP pointing.

This option is only available for Wix premium accounts.

Be careful, this type of configuration is not recommended, because if Wix changes the server, your site will be more visible.

Wix will send you records of this type:

How do I link my domain name to my wix site?

1. Connect to the administration space of your web hosting and click on"Manage" behind the domain concerned.

How do I link my domain name to my wix site?

2. Go to"DNS Zone" in the"Domain Management" section:

How do I link my domain name to my wix site?

3. Click on the"Modify" stylus behind the"WWW" DNS zone:

How do I link my domain name to my wix site?

Change the DNS Zone to the one you received from Wix. Then click on"Save".

How do I link my domain name to my wix site?

Make an initial CNAME record using the values supplied by Wix.

Then make a second similar record for the second record requested:"For, create a CNAME record pointing to:".

Once you have done this, click on the stylus located behind Zone A to be modified.

How do I link my domain name to my wix site?

Change the Zone IP to the one given to you by Wix. Once the change has been made, click on the"Save" button.

How do I link my domain name to my wix site?


You can nowassociate your LWS domain name with your Wix-hosted website. The Wix platform lets you create a showcase site quickly and without any knowledge. You can migrate your Wix site to SiteBuilder Pro in just a few clicks.

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Questions sur l'article
Amelie Baudet Il y a 749 days
Bonjour, J'ai suivit la procédure pour rattacher mon nom de domaine sur WIX où j'ai configuré une simple page d'accueil et payé un abonnement premium afin de relier le nom de domaine acheté sur LWS à mon interface wix. ça n'aboutit pas...
See the
1 answers
Benjamin-LWS - Il y a 748 days


Merci de votre retour.

Si vous avez suivi cette documentation correctement, il est nécessaire d'attendre au maximum 24h le temps de la propagation DNS afin que vos services soient parfaitement fonctionnels.

Si vous rencontrez des problèmes 24h après la configuration, nous vous invitons à vérifier les paramètres suivants : 

  1. Pour une liaison via les serveurs de noms de Wix :
  • Avoir bien paramétré les serveurs de noms proposés par WIX sur votre hébergement LWS selon la manipulation décrite dans la documentation.

       2. Pour une liaison via un pointage IP :

  • Avoir paramétré les enregistrements DNS proposés par WIX dans votre zone DNS de votre hébergement. (Un de Type A, et deux de type CNAME)

Si après avoir vérifié et attendu la propagation DNS, nous vous invitons à contacter notre service support à travers votre espace client, afin de vous apporter une aide sur cette manipulation. (

Cordialement, L'équipe LWS


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