How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?


What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console has over time become a valuable resource for many people such as marketing professionals and online shop owners. It's a free service that allows you to learn a lot about your website. You can use this service to find out how many people visit your website and how they find it.

This service can also help you find and correct errors on your website, send a sitemap, create and consult your robots.txt file.

How do you link your domain to Google Search Console using an HTML file?

1. Connect to your Google Search Console interface and click on the"Add property" button.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

2. Indicate the domain name you wish to link to your console and click on the "Continue" button.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

3. Download the file by clicking on it.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

4. Publish the file you have just downloadedusing your FileZilla client. The file must be uploaded to the root of your web space.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

5. Return to your Google Search Console and click on the"Submit" button.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

How to link your domain using a TXT Zone

1. Click on the button behind"Domain name provider".

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

2. Choose"Other" in the drop-down window asking you to choose the domain name provider.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

3. Google Search Console will send you a DNS Zone of type TXT which you will need to add to the Zones of your domain name.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

4. Connect to your customer area, click on"Domains and Hosting" and then on"Admin/Administrer" behind the domain name concerned. Then click on"DNS Zone".

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

5. Choose a Zone of type"TXT" and enter the"@" sign as the value.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

6. Click on the"Click here to configure" box and enter the TXT Zone provided by Google. Save your TXT record.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

7. Click on the"Add" button to register your DNS Zone.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

8. Return to your Google Search Console and click on the "Validate" button to link your domain name.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

How to link your domain name using a cName Zone ?

1. Click on the"Add a CNAME record" tab.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

2. Google Search Console will tell you the Host of your cPanel and the destination.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

3. Log in to your customer area, click on"Domains and Hosting" and then on"Admin" behind the domain name in question. Then click on"DNS Zone". Choose a Zone of type cName and enter the Host Label supplied by Google as the value.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

4. Click in the"Click here to edit" box and enter the destination provided by Google Search Console. Save your entry.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

5. Click on"Add" behind the cName box to save your request.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?

6. Return to the Google Search Console and click on the "Validate" button to link your domain name.

How do you link your domain name to Google Search Console?


You are now able to link your LWS-hosted domain name to your Google Search Console account. Google Search Console can help you find and correct display errors on your website.

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PH Il y a 394 days
Bonjour , Pour lier a google search un nom de domaine LWS pointant sur un site shopify , quelle méthode utiliser txt , https ou cname ou faut 'il valider les 3 .merci
See the
1 answers
Jordan-LWS - Il y a 389 days


Je vous remercie pour votre message.

La liaison d'un nom de domaine s'effectue bien souvent par la présence d'enregistrement de type TXT ou encore CNAME dans votre gestion de zone DNS, mais cela dépend essentiellement du prestataire auxquels vous souhaitez lier votre nom de domaines.

Il est fort probable qu'une documentation soit mis à dispositions à leur niveau et les procédures de liaisons peuvent à tout moment changer et il faut donc rester attentif à tout type de modifications lié à ces procédures.

Si vous avez besoin d'assistance supplémentaire, je vous invite à contacter l'équipe du support technique dirrectement depuis votre espace client.

Je vous remercie pour votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information. Nous sommes là pour vous aider et vous accompagner dans la liaison de vos noms de domaine.

Cordialement, L'équipe LWS.

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