How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?


What is a Blog?

In principle, a blog is a type of website that focuses primarily on written content. There are many reasons why it might be worth creating a blog on your site. However, the main reason is to interact with your visitors in order to attract the attention of potential consumers.

The more frequent and high-quality your blog posts, the more likely your website will be to be visited by Internet users. Add a button for a contact form or shop to your blog and your traffic can be converted into quality leads.

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

1. Go to your SiteBuilder Pro interface

2. Click on the"Blog" tool in the toolbar at the top of the page.

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

2. Choose the desired Blog style and click on it to select it.

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

How do you configure your Blog?

In the right-hand column of SiteBuilder Pro, you can configure your blog according to different criteria.

  • Blog: You can change the layout of your blog

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

  • Listing: This option lets you define the number of items per page. You can also define whether the date or the description should be displayed below the post title. For the description, you can define the number of characters.

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

  • Captions: Allows you to define a background colour for the 'title' and 'description' sections of your blog posts.

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

  • Text: Allows you to define the font, size and style of writing, not only for the title of the blog post, but also for the Blog text and the date.

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

How do I create a new Blog post?

1. Click on the stylus at the top right of your item and click on"New Blog Post".

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

2. Choose an image for your blog post, give it a title and a category. You can modify a category by scrolling down the"Category" drop-down window and clicking"Modify". Then add your "Text".

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

3. Click on the"SEO" tab.

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

4. The"SEO" section allows you to add a title, a description and modify the URL of your article for a more user-friendly URL. Once you've made your changes, click on"Save draft" to save your article.

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

5. Don't forget to republish your site so that your blog post is posted on your website.

How do I delete a blog post?

1) In the"Blog" section in the right-hand column of SiteBuilder, click on"Edit Posts".

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

2. Tick the post you want to delete and click on the"Trash" icon.

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?

3. A new window will open telling you that the action is irreversible. Click on"Ok" to confirm your request.

How do I create a blog with SiteBuilder Pro?


You are now able to create, configure and add Blog posts to your site created on your Web hosting with SiteBuilder Pro. A blog post can be interesting and allows interaction with your visitors.

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