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It is sometimes possible to see a 500 error or a blank page when you open your WordPress website.
To determine which plugin or faulty code is causing this error, you can activate "debug mode" and display all the errors on your screen.
To activate debug mode in your WordPress:
If you have a shared package such as Perso/Starter/Standard/Performance :
If you have a shared package such as cPanel :
If you have a shared package such as Plesk :
After opening the wp-config.php file to modify it, change the line define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false ); to define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true );
// This enables debugging. define ('WP_DEBUG', true); // This disables debugging.
define ('WP_DEBUG', false);
Now that you've learned how to activate Debug mode in your Wordpress, Debug mode allows you to view important information such as errors that will help you correct the way your site works.
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