How do I add a Favicon to SiteBuilder Pro?


What is a Favicon?

Favicons are small 16 x 16 pixel icons generally containing your website logo, the first letter of your brand name or a generic image representing the type of activity of your company. These files are generally called"favicon.ico" and are placed at the root of your website. The results of certain search engines may also display favicons.

Using favicons

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, favicons make it easy to identify your website. If your site does not have a favicon, the web browser will display the empty document by default in a tab in your browser. Users tend to judge online services by the way their website is constructed. Something as insignificant as a favicon can make you lose credibility , especially if the visitor in question is comparing you with one of your competitors.

How do you configure a favicon on your site created with SiteBuilder Pro?

1. Log in to the administration area of your website.

2. Click on the"Settings" tab in the SiteBuilder Pro toolbar. Then click on"Favicon".

How do I add a Favicon to SiteBuilder Pro?

3. Click on the stylus to select your Favicon from the image library or to download it from your computer.

How do I add a Favicon to SiteBuilder Pro?

4. Click on the"Send a new image" button if you want to add a Favicon from your computer and/or select the image directly from your SiteBuilder Pro image library. Click on the "Select" button as soon as you have downloaded or selected your Favicon.

How do I add a Favicon to SiteBuilder Pro?

5. Click on the "Apply" button for the changes to take effect on your website created with SiteBuilder Pro.

How do I add a Favicon to SiteBuilder Pro?


You can now configure a Favicon on your SiteBuilder Pro website with LWS. The Favicon will enable your visitors to quickly identify your website.

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Bonjour, je souhaiterais savoir comment faire pour modifier la couleur du bouton Ajouter au panier, couleur déjà prédéfini dans l'élément commerce.
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Benjamin-LWS - Il y a 627 days


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