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1. Log on to the administration space for your domain name
Click on the "Change package" icon
2. Select the package you want and click on the"Confirm" button.
3. A quote will appear on the screen.
Your package change will be validated within two hours of receipt of your payment. It is advisable to make a backup of your web files before changing the package, as changing the package will delete all the files on your FTP space. However, emails will not be deleted when you change your package.
1. log in to the administration area of your web hosting and click on the"Change package" icon.
2. Select the package you want, then click on the"Confirm" button.
3. A quote will appear on the screen.
Your change of package will be validated within two hours of your order being validated.
If you change to a higher package in the same range(for example from an LWS Perso package to an LWS Starter package) your package data (files, databases, emails, etc.) will not be deleted when you change.
However, if you change your package range (from LWS Perso to cPanel, for example), all your data will be lost.
If you change to a lower package (for example from LWS Performance to LWS Starter), you will need to delete the web files, database and email addresses activated on your hosting package.
1. log on to the administration space for your web hosting and click on the"Change package" icon.
2. Tick the"domain" package and click the"Confirm" button.
3. Your hosting will be completely deleted (web file, email address and MySQL database) within two hours of validation.
1. order your dedicated server from the sales site
2. Back up your web data (via FTP), your databases (via PHPMyAdmin).
3. Change your hosting package (procedure above) to domain only.
4. Change the DNS configuration of your domain name to indicate the IP of your VPS server (indicated in the delivery email).
5. Republish your site on your VPS server
1. go to the administration area of your VPS server and click on the "Change package" icon
2. Select the plan that suits you best and click on the"Confirm" button.
3. A quote will appear on the screen.
Your change of package will be validated within two hours of receipt of your payment.
1. Log on to the administration area of your web hosting and click on the"Change package" icon.
2. Select the VPS package you wish to subscribe to when changing packages and click on the"Validate" button at the bottom of the page.
Once the order has been validated, the server will be delivered to you within the hour.
However, you will need to be patient while the technical department deals with your request to migrate to the VPS.
Your data will be migrated from your shared package to the VPS within 72 hours of your request to change package.
The price is calculated pro rata to the time remaining on your current package, to which is added the cost of facilities management for migration to the VPS.
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Change billing details
Merci de votre retour.
La première année d'engagement à une formule LWS Perso, le domaine vous est offert, mais après 1 an le renouvellement du domaine n'est plus offert il faudra payer celui-ci.
Je vous remercie de votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information.
Nous vous invitons à contacter notre service support à travers votre espace client, afin de vous apporter une aide si vous rencontrez des difficultés quelconque. (Contacter le support LWS)
Cordialement, L'équipe LWS