Use PHP Selector to activate PHP extensions on cPanel


Why add PHP extensions to cPanel?

Some modules available on certain CMS such as PrestaShop or WordPress will require you to activate particular PHP extensions in order to function properly. cPanel offers you an intuitive interface for managing the PHP extensions active on your account, such as mcrypt, mbstring or pdo.

The PHP version selection tab lets you :

  • Change the PHP version. You can choose between PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3, PHP 7.4 or PHP 8.0.
  • Changing PHP extensions. You can deactivate some extensions and activate others with one click.
  • Change the configuration of your php.ini file

How do I add PHP extensions to cPanel?

1. Log in to the administration area of your web hosting and click on the " cPanel " icon.

Use PHP Selector to activate PHP extensions on cPanel

2. Go to " Software " and then "Select a PHP version ".

Use PHP Selector to activate PHP extensions on cPanel

3. Tick the PHP extension you wish to activate and wait a few seconds. A notification will be displayed to confirm its activation.

Use PHP Selector to activate PHP extensions on cPanel


  • How do I activate a PHP module that is not present in my cPanel interface?

On a VPS server, it is possible to install and activate a specific PHP extension. For this type of action, please contact our VPS technical support via your customer area.

How do I change the configuration of the php.ini file?

1. Go to the " Options " tab

Use PHP Selector to activate PHP extensions on cPanel

2. You will then find the parameters that you can edit for the PHP.ini configuration. The options we change most often are the following:

  • display_errors: displays PHP errors. This option is set to "Off" by default. It is useful to activate it when you have a problem displaying your site.
  • max_execution_time: this is the maximum execution time for a PHP script.
  • memory_limit: Maximum memory allocated for a PHP process.
  • post_max_size and upload_max_size: allows you to increase the maximum size of files that can be sent by PHP.

Change the value you wish to modify, then move the pointer to an empty zone or another input zone and wait a few seconds for the change to take effect. A notification will be displayed to confirm the change.


You are now able to activate PHP extensions on your cPanel web hosting with LWS. In the same way, you can deactivate an extension by unchecking the box behind it.

Don't hesitate to contact our technical support team via a trouble ticket if you have any questions.

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