How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?


Welcome to this handy guide dedicated to backing up your Synology NAS server to LWS Cloud Drive service via WebDAV protocol. The purpose of this document is to provide you with a clear and concise method to secure your important data using Synology's advanced features and LWS' robust cloud storage solutions. Whether you are an individual looking to protect your personal memories or a business looking to preserve critical information, this guide will help you set up and run your backups efficiently and securely. Follow the detailed steps to enjoy the full benefits of a hybrid backup solution, guaranteeing the security and availability of your data.

I. Installing the Hyper Backup application

In order to back up your data from your Synology NAS to your Cloud Drive LWS package, you will need to install an application on your NAS to perform this task. In this documentation, we'll take the example of the most popular application: Hyper Backup.

To carry out the installation, you first need to identify yourself on your NAS server and then complete the following steps:

Step 1: Access the"Package Centre" on the NAS server

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 2: Once in the Package Centre, search for "Hyper Backup"(1) then click on "Install" in the button below the Hyper Backup application(2).

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Once the application has been installed, you can open it directly from the Package Centre or return to the dashboard where the application icon appeared.

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

II. Finding the WebDAV address of my LWS Cloud Server

A. Nextcloud server

To find the WebDAV address to use to configure a backup job on a Nextcloud package, you need to follow this procedure:

Step 1: Log in to the Nextcloud application using your login details.

Step 2: In the left-hand menu, click on"File Settings".

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 3: You will find the URL to use under"WebDAV".

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

B. FTP/Rsync server

To find the WebDAV address to use to configure a backup job on a Cloud Drive FTP/Rsync formula, you need to follow this procedure:

Step 1: Log into your LWS customer area using your login details.

Step 2: Go to your Cloud Drive FTP/Rsync plan management.

Step 3: You will find the address of your storage server at the top.

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

If the address of your storage server is, for example,"", then the WebDAV URL to use will be: https: //

III. Creating a backup job for data from your NAS to the LWS Cloud Drive

Once the Hyper Backup application has been installed on your NAS, you can create a synchronisation task that will enable you to synchronise the desired data between the two servers.

To perform this operation, follow the steps below:

Step 1: In the left-hand menu, click on"+".

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 2: Select"Folders and packages" (1) then click"Next" (2)

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 3: Select the type of destination space by scrolling through the different types until you select"WebDAV" (1). Finally, click"Next" (2) to go on to the next step.

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 4: Fill in the various configuration and connection details (1) :

  • Server address: Enter the WebDAV address
  • User name and password : Enter the login details that were sent to you by email when your LWS Cloud Drive was delivered.
  • Folder: Select the folder on the remote server that will receive the data
  • Directory: Enter the name of the directory that will be created in the specified folder to receive the data.

Once you have completed this configuration, click on the"Next" button (2).

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 5: Select the folders on your NAS (1) that are to be backed up, then click "Next" (2).

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 6: Choose whether you also want to back up applications installed on your NAS, then click "Next".

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 7: At this stage, you need to give your task a name so that you can find it later and a name for the folder that will be created on the LWS Cloud Drive and will contain the backed-up data (32 characters maximum).

This step also allows you to configure various rules relating to the backup job:

  • Compress data: The volume of data transmitted will be smaller, which limits data consumption, but may slow down the backup process due to the file compression and decompression stage.
  • Enable backup schedule: allows you to schedule regular backups every day, on certain days of the week or during the month.
  • Enable integrity check scheduling: allows you to schedule an integrity check for backups carried out once a week.

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 8: At this stage, you will need to configure the number of backups you wish to keep. If you want to keep several backups, tick the"Enable backup rotation" box and specify the maximum number of backups you want to keep (1) before clicking"Next" (2).

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 9: You will then get a summary of the job configuration, so all you have to do is click "Done" to make the job definitive.

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Once the task has been created, you have the option of waiting for the next schedule to run the task, or of making your first backup immediately.

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

IV. Creating a restore job

To restore a backup that has already been made, please follow the procedure below:

Step 1: In the left-hand menu, click on the restore button

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 2: In the next step, select"Folders and packages" then"Next".

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 3: Select the backup job to restore

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 4: Indicate not to restore the system configuration

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 5: Select the folder(s) included in the backup job (1) that you wish to restore and the version to restore (2).

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?

Step 6: You will then get a summary of the job configuration, all you have to do is click on "Done" to make the job definitive.

How can I back up my Synology NAS on the LWS Cloud with WebDAV?


You now know how to :

  • Install Hyper Backup on your Synology NAS to secure your data 💾
  • Create and configure a synchronisation task with Cloud Drive LWS 🔄
  • Optimise your backups with advanced compression and scheduling settings ⏲️
  • Ensure the security and availability of your critical information or personal memories ☁️🔒

By following this step-by-step guide, you've taken the necessary steps to protect your digital assets from the unexpected and given yourself peace of mind when it comes to data backup.

We hope you've found this tutorial useful and thank you for reading. Don't hesitate to share your feedback or ask any questions by leaving a comment below 👇. Your experience can greatly help the community!

And if this article has helped you secure your digital world, please consider sharing it with others who could also benefit. Happy saving, everyone! 🚀

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