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The Web Terminal available on your LWS panel account allows you to perform several actions on the command line. These command lines allow you to interact with your hosting and can, in some cases, help you manage your hosting.
In this documentation, we'll look at how you can use the web terminal to interact with your WordPress site.
Prior to this documentation, we invite you to access your hosting's Web Terminal.
Update WordPress
wp core update
This command is used to update WordPress.
Update all extensions
wp plugin update --all
This command updates all the extensions waiting to be updated.
Check the integrity of WordPress files
wp core verify-checksums
This command is used to check that all the files on your WordPress site have not been modified and remain unaltered in relation to their original version (used to check that a file has not been maliciously modified).
Export the MySQL database
wp db export
This command exports the database in SQL format to your hosting space. Very useful for recovering a data backup with guaranteed reliability.
Import MySQL database
wp db import filename.sql
This command imports the database and can be run in addition to the previous command.
Mass search and replace
wp search-replace 'old-value' 'new-value
This command performs a search and replace in the database of one value by another.
Generate test posts en masse
wp post generate
Clears all WordPress-related caches, useful for performance issues or after major updates.
Empty WordPress caches
wp cache flush
Generates test posts en masse, which is very useful for development and performance testing.
Regenerate thumbnails en masse
wp media regenerate --yes
This command regenerates the additional image sizes for all your media files in your library. No confirmation will be displayed.
Delete all unattached media
wp post delete $(wp post list --post_type='attachment' --format=ids --post_parent=0)
This command begins by listing all the identifiers of attachments without parents and then deletes them permanently. Handy for tidying up sites with lots of media. Use with caution!
Delete all users by role
wp user list --field=ID --role=author | xargs wp user delete --yes
This command deletes all user accounts with the author role. You can change the role by the one of your choice in the role
argument and thus carry out a mass deletion of users.
You now know how to :
With these powerful commands, you have the power to effectively manage your WordPress site directly from the Terminal, allowing you to maintain a high-performing, up-to-date and secure site. 🚀
Thank you for reading this article! If you have any questions or would like to share your experience with Web Terminal and WP-CLI, please feel free to leave a comment. Your feedback is valuable and can help the whole community! 🙌
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