How to configure the email filter on cPanel


What is an email filter?

An email filter allows you to take specific actions when you receive a certain type of email: delete it, file it in a folder or send it elsewhere.

This tool can be used to automatically forward a type of email to a colleague, systematically delete certain unwanted emails, or automatically archive certain emails received.

How do I configure the email filter?

1. Log on to your cPanel interface and click on the"Mail filter" tab in the"Emails" section.

How to configure the email filter on cPanel

2. Click on the"Manage filters" tab behind the email address for which you want to change the cPanel email filter.

How to configure the email filter on cPanel

3. Click on the"Create a filter" button.

How to configure the email filter on cPanel

4. Fill in the filter creation form and click on the "Create" button. The form contains the following information:

  • Filter name : enter the name you wish to define for the filter.
  • Rules : Define the rule you wish to set up. This may concern an email address, a subject or part of the message.
  • Actions: You can reject the email, redirect it to another email address or move it to another folder.

How to configure the email filter on cPanel

You can modify or delete a rule defined in the filter at any time. There are two tabs that allow you to perform these actions behind the filter you have set up.

How to configure the email filter on cPanel


You can now create a filter using cPanel antispam, and modify or delete it on your cPanel web hosting. You can add as many rules as you like to cPanel Anti-Spam.

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