What is the difference between an SSL/TLS connection and a non-SSL/TLS connection?


What is the difference between an SSL/TLS connection and a non-SSL/TLS connection?

As you will no doubt have noticed, when configuring your email software such as Outlook, you are often asked to choose between an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS) and a non-encrypted connection. Both configurations work, but there is a difference between the two types of connection.

What is a non-encrypted connection (not SSL/TLS)?

If you want to configure your software using an unencrypted connection, the configuration will use the following ports:

  • IMAP: 143
  • POP: 110
  • SMTP: 587

This type of connection means that emails are sent in clear text from one server to another. This means that they can be intercepted by malicious parties. Consequently, if you use this type of configuration, we advise you not to provide any personal information such as passwords or identifiers.

However, to connect to your email address, you will always need to identify yourself by entering the email address and the password attached to the email.

What is an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS)?

The encrypted connection is used with the following information:

  • IMAP: 993
  • POP: 995
  • SMTP: 465

This connection indicates that the information in transit will be encrypted. As a result, even if it can be intercepted by a third party, the data will be unreadable and unusable.

Wherever possible, it is preferable to use an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS).

Where can I find the SSL/TLS connection information on cPanel?

1. You can find the encrypted connection information (SSL/TLS) by going to your cPanel interface. Click on"Email account" in the"Emails" section.

What is the difference between an SSL/TLS connection and a non-SSL/TLS connection?

2. Click on the"Connect Devices" button behind the email address you wish to configure.

What is the difference between an SSL/TLS connection and a non-SSL/TLS connection?

3. Here you will find the configuration settings for your email address. The default SMTP, IMAP or POP server on cPanel is mail.domaine.com (replace domaine.com with your domain name).

What is the difference between an SSL/TLS connection and a non-SSL/TLS connection?


You can now tell the difference between an unencrypted connection and an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS). You can also configure your email software on your cPanel shared hosting. As mentioned above, it is preferable to use an encrypted connection to avoid any interception of certain data.

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