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To change your contact details for future invoices, follow these steps:
1. log in to your LWS Panel customer area
2. Go to"Edit contact details" in the top right-hand corner of your home page.
3. Modify the desired information in the corresponding boxes and validate.
It will only be possible to change it if it is from the current month.
If it is older, no changes will be possible.
To change the details of an invoice from the current month, follow these steps:
1. log in to your LWS Panel customer area
2. Go to the"Your invoices" section in the top right-hand corner of your home page.
3. Next to each editable invoice is a pencil icon. Click on it to edit the invoice in question:
Only invoices from the current month can be modified. There is NO need to contact us to request the modification of an older invoice.
4. Modify your status, company name, surname, first name and postal address in the window that appears before confirming.
5. Once the invoice has been modified, you will be redirected to the invoice listing page where you can download it again.
You can now modify your billing details in your LWS customer area.
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How do I change the formula on my LWS Panel interface?
Bonjour, ces données ne sont pas modifiables, car ce sont les données qui prouvent que vous possédez un ou plusieurs domaines auprès du registre. Si vous souhaitez modifier ses données, il faudra créer un nouveau compte LWS avec le 'nom, prénom' que vous souhaitez et ensuite faire une transmission de services (manipulation payante) afin de permuter vos hébergements sur ce nouveau compte.
Pour ce faire, suivez les étapes suivantes :