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Wordpress is a content management system ( CMS), with basic functions for editing text, modifying content and adding images. You can install extensions to add new functions to your site, such as :
Wordpress is included in all Linux hosting packages.
1. Log on to your web hosting administration space
2. Click on the"Manage" button behind the domain for which you want to install.
3. Click on the"Wordpress" button in the"Software" section.
4. Choose the type of Wordpress CMS you want:
5. First, you'll be asked to choose whether you want to install the software at the root of your website, in a specific directory or on a subdomain. If you have a Starter, Standard or Performance web hosting package, you will also be able to choose a domain linked to your package via the "Multi-domain" option. Once you've made your choice, select the database you want to link to your installation. Confirm your choice by writing"Yes" in the relevant box and click on the"Validate" button to start the installation.
6. Once the installation is complete, the connection information for the Wordpress Dashboard will be sent to you by email so that you can connect to it.
1. Go to your Wordpress administration(in this form example.com/wp-admin/) It is possible that your Wordpress is in a sub-domain. (More about sub-domains here)
2. Enter your login details (The settings have been sent to the email address associated with your LWS customer account). The connection parameters may arrive in the SPAM folder of your email inbox. However, if you have not received the login details, you can reset your Wordpress password.
3. On the left-hand menu, click on the Users tab and then click on the user you wish to change . For security reasons, it is advisable to change the username"admin". This is the name used by default when Wordpress is installed.
4. Click on the"Generate password" button. The password generator gives you a strong password that is difficult for hackers to crack.
5. Choose your new Nickname and Password , then click Save to save. For the password, it is best to use a strong password of 8 to 10 characters.
1. Go to your Wordpress administration(in this form example.com/wp-admin/) Your Wordpress may be in a sub-domain. (More explanation about sub-domains here)
2. enter your login details (the administration settings will be sent to the email address associated with your LWS account)
3. On the left-hand menu, click on the Articles tab and then click on Add .
1. Go to your Wordpress administration(in this form example.com/wp-admin/) It is possible that your Wordpress is in a sub-domain. (More explanation about sub-domains here)
2. Enter your login details (Default username: admin)
3. On the left-hand menu, click on the Extensions tab and then click on Add. Search for the plugin you want to install.
4. You can also Upload a plugin manually via an archived file (Zip). Click on Upload an extension.
5. Select your .zip file and click on Install .
Our partner Themeforest has thousands of graphic templates to suit every activity.
1. Go to your Wordpress administration(in this form example.com/wp-admin/) Your Wordpress may be in a sub-domain. (More information about sub-domains here)
2. Enter your login details.(The administration settings are sent to the email address associated with your LWS account)
3. On the left-hand menu, click on the Appearance tab, then choose your theme and click on the Activate button.
Discover thousands of graphic templates adapted to any activity at our partner Themeforest
Discover the WooCommerce extension to create an online shop easily with Wordpress
Is your Wordpress site too slow? Discover our tips for improving the speed of your Wordpress site
To find out more about Wordpress, you can consult the official resources:
You can now install your Wordpress website automatically. Wordpress lets you create a blog or showcase site without any particular knowledge of coding. It has thousands of themes and extensions for creating your website.
Don't hesitate to share your comments and questions!
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