How important is web hosting and what role does it play?



This documentation will tell you about the role of the web host, the importance of web hosting and the criteria for choosing a web host.

Finally, we'll talk about the projects that can be set up and DataCenters.

What is a web host?

A web host is a service provider that provides you with storage space on a server that is permanently connected to the Internet. Among other things, a web host allows you to make your domain name accessible to all Internet users.

What is the importance of web hosting?

Hosting is a way of storing data from a website or online application so that anyone can access it on the Internet. Storage space varies according to the nature of the offer to which the website is subject. It will also give you access to email addresses.

What are the criteria for choosing a web host?

When choosing a web hosting provider, there are several criteria to take into account when hosting your website. These include

  • Availability and quality of technical support
  • Price ;
  • The scalability of hosting services;
  • Location;
  • Desired degree of autonomy;
  • Reliability of the infrastructure;
  • The security of your data.

What projects can be set up with web hosting?

With web hosting, there are a whole host of possibilities for bringing a project to fruition. For example, you can set up your own online shop or association, create a website for your business or promote your company.

What is a data centre?

It's a data centre where the equipment that makes up an information system is grouped together. This makes it easier to secure, manage and maintain the equipment and data stored.

At LWS, a high-performance data centre

Our servers are based in data centres in France. The Adista datacentre benefits from an ISO 27001-certified infrastructure that includes the latest technologies in terms of security, Tier III and Tier IV quality and high availability. This is the international standard for information security management.

How do I order web hosting?

To order web hosting click here.

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Josemangano Il y a 883 days
Je viens de payer mais je n'ai sais pas comment intégrer mon nom de domaine et l'hébergement dans wordpress
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 879 days
Bonjour, vous pouvez installer Wordpress sur votre domaine en suivant la procédure suivante:
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herve Il y a 844 days
j'ai acheté ce jour un nom de domaine chez LWS. Je souhaite créer au moins 1 adresse de messagerie associée au nom de domaine. Comment faire ?
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 843 days
Bonjour, vous avez la possibilité de créer une adresse email sur votre nom de domaine en suivant la procédure suivante:
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jean12 Il y a 680 days
bonsoir je suis novice et je veux héberger mon site fait en html mais depuis hier l'importation de fichier est passer mais le site pas visible je veux un tuto pour l'aide
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1 answers
Benjamin-LWS - Il y a 679 days


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