Expiration notification email noreply@expirationwarning .net: what is it? Solution


What is this "Expiration Warning" e-mail?

This e-mail is sent by the registry directly for .com, net, org, info, biz etc domain names (ICANN) on the anniversary date of each domain name to warn the owner that it is time to renew.

Sender: noreply@expirationwarning.net

Mail text:

Dear [Your first and last name], This message is a reminder to regarding the registration of your domain name [votre nom de domaine] in accordance with the ICANN Expired Registration Recovery Policy http://www.icann.org/en/r esources/registrars/conse nsus-policies/errp. According to our records, the domain name registration has passed its expiration date on [date d'expiration de votre nom de domaine] Your domain name may still be renewed for a limited time in accordance with the terms of your provider. 
Depending on the terms of your agreement with your service provider, renewal may be automatic and may not require any action on your part. If you wish to renew your domain, please visit the website of your provider for further information and make sure payment for the renewal is made in time. Thank you for your attention. Best regards, Your ICANN-Accredited Registrar

I've received an "expiration warning" e-mail even though I've already renewed. What should I do?

This e-mail is sent automatically by the registry on the anniversary date of each domain, without checking whether or not the renewal has been carried out.

If your LWS Panel customer space indicates that your expiry date has been extended, then disregard this email.

For example, if the email indicates that your domain expires on 20/07/2015, but the LWS Panel customer area indicates 20/07/2015, then you can ignore this email.

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Questions sur l'article
ulrich Il y a 935 days
pourquoi vous m'indiquez que mon nom de domaine est suspendu pourtant la date d'expiration est jusqu'au 23 juillet 2023?
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1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 934 days
Hello, it's quite possible that the domain has been suspended by the registry due to non-verification of identity. You must have received an email to this effect with a link to validate in it. It's quite possible that the e-mail has landed in your Spam folder. I invite you to revalidate your personal information by going to your LWS customer area, click on "Your login" in the top right-hand corner and then on "Edit contact details". Then click on "Save" at the bottom of the page. You should receive a new email from the registry within the hour.
Utile ?
ulrich Il y a 932 days
comment résoudre le problème de domaine suspendu lorsque la date d'expiration est jusqu'au 23/07/2023.
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1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 931 days
Bonjour, il est fort possible qu'il ne s'agisse pas d'un problème de suspension du domaine, mais d'un problème de configuration des DNS. En effet, la Zone de type A de votre domaine semble pointer actuellement vers le service mail, ce qui pose problème. Vous pouvez réinitialiser à tout moment, vos Zones DNS en vous rendant sur votre espace client LWS, cliquez sur "Gérer" puis sur "Zone DNS" pour cela. En bas de page, vous devriez y trouver un bouton permettant la réinitialisation des Zones DNS. Une fois les Zones DNS réinitialisées, il vous faudra patienter 3 à 4 heures que les Zones DNS se propagent et que votre domaine soit à nouveau fonctionnel.
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