Nextcloud Pro Management of sharing parameters by the user manager



This documentation covers the management of sharing parameters.


To follow this documentation, you need :

Access the sharing settings management menu

Step 1: Log in to the Nextcloud web application as the manager user and access the personalisation options:

Nextcloud Pro Management of sharing parameters by the user manager

Step 2: Look for the customisation options in the "Administration" section under "Sharing".

Nextcloud Pro Management of sharing parameters by the user manager

Step 3: You can now choose the sharing methods.

Nextcloud Pro Management of sharing parameters by the user manager

Some options require you to enter a password to activate and/or deactivate them, in which case you will need to enter it. If you do not do this, the box may still be ticked. To avoid any unfortunate actions, reload the page after changing a setting to check that it has been correctly taken into account


You can now use the sharing settings to manage your data according to your needs. If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to contact our support team, who will be happy to help. If you don't yet have an online storage package or would like to upgrade to a cloud storage package with advanced features, please consult this documentation to place your order, and find information about the Nextcloud and Nextcloud Pro packages here.

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