Moving a service or hosting without a domain to another LWS account


Moving a service or hosting without a domain to another LWS account

With this help, you'll be able to move a service or hosting without a domain to another LWS.

How do I move a service or hosting without a domain?

To move a service or hosting, log in to your customer panel using your login and password:

Moving a service or hosting without a domain to another LWS account

On the menu at the top right of the LWS Panel, click on your LWS ID:

Moving a service or hosting without a domain to another LWS account

Then click on the"Service Shift" tab.

Moving a service or hosting without a domain to another LWS account

A new page will open. Fill in the fields as follows:

  • Select the service to be moved
  • The LWS account of the future manager
  • The future administrator's email address

The action of moving a service or hosting is definitive

Then click on"Submit" to save your request.

Moving a service or hosting without a domain to another LWS account

The new owner must already have an LWS ID. Therefore, if you want to create an LWS ID for the new owner, Click here.

Moving a service or hosting without a domain to another LWS account

Once the new ID has been created, you will be able to move a service or hosting to it.

A confirmation email will be sent to the new and old managers. Once the action has been confirmed by you and the new manager, it will no longer be possible to go back without their agreement


You can now move a service or hosting from the LWS Panel.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know below.

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