Managing Whois anti-spam protection


What is Whois anti-spam protection?

Since the implementation of the RGPD law, your details are automatically hidden in the Whois directories offered by the domain name registries. Your contact email address linked to your domains is replaced by an alias so that your address is not disclosed.

If a normal user tries to contact you via the alias appearing in the WHOIS directories, they will automatically receive an email warning them that protection is active and that they cannot contact you. Only a few organisations such as domain registries can contact you via this alias.

How do I manage Whois anti-spam protection?

  1. Log in to your customer area

    Managing Whois anti-spam protection

  2. Click on your username at the top right of the page to bring up the menu for managing your customer account and click on"Edit contact details".

  1. Managing Whois anti-spam protection

  2. All that's left is to deactivate or activate the option as you wish.

    Managing Whois anti-spam protection

What is the difference between activating and deactivating this option?

If you deactivate this option, your contact email address will always remain hidden and will therefore be replaced by the alias in the Whois directory.

The difference is that anyone will be able to contact you via this alias, as the email sent will arrive directly in your contact mailbox.

How can I remove the alias so that my email address appears?

If you want your email address to appear in the WHOIS directory instead of the alias, you will need to set WHOIS publication to yes on the page for managing your details.

WARNING: By activating this option, in addition to disclosing your email address, it will also disclose the rest of your contact details.


You are now able to automatically hide your data in the Whois directories offered by the domain name registries with your LWS shared hosting package.

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