Is it possible to remove the RSpamD anti-spam function on shared hosting?


RSpamD software

RSpamD is free software for filtering spam. It is installed as standard on our shared web hosting packages to filter the emails you receive in order to protect them against spam and also to filter the emails you send via webmail or a php script that uses the PHP mail function or the smtp server we provide.

Is it possible to remove RSpamD anti-spam on shared hosting?

1. It is not possible to remove RSpamD from outgoing mail via the SMTP server provided.

2. It is not possible to remove RSpamD from outgoing mail sent by the PHP mail function.

RSpamD and shared hosting

RSpamD is installed on the SMTP of customisable emails that you can create on shared hosting and the domain name pack (example:

RSpamD is installed on the SMTP mail relays that relay mail from the PHP mail function. The PHP mail function is used for sending PHP scripts, CMS Wordpress, Joomla, Prestashop etc.

Why is it impossible to disable RSpamD on SMTP mail servers?

It is not currently possible to disable RSpamD on a shared hosting package because we have a policy of not relaying spam. We follow very strict rules in terms of sending email to protect you as much as possible against spam.

Alternative solutions for sending emails

You may have commercial emails to send and RSpamD detects them as spam because the filter is fairly restrictive in terms of sending mass emails. However, there are other solutions for sending marketing and transactional emails, such as Mailjet and Mandrill.

Is it possible to remove the RSpamD anti-spam function on shared hosting?

Mailjet is an all-in-one emailing service that allows you to deliver a maximum number of emails for your marketing or transactional email campaigns. Mailjet provides you with a personal SMTP relay to simplify the configuration and management of your emailing routing server. This solution is also an excellent statistical tool that allows you to check the behaviour of your recipients: open rates, clicks, unsubscribes and undelivered emails.

Is it possible to remove the RSpamD anti-spam function on shared hosting?

Mandrill is a solution developed by Mailchimp that lets you manage the sending of transactional emails (purchase confirmations, registration requests, password recovery requests, etc.). You have access to a maximum number of functions that allow you, via an API, to create, personalise, send and track the statistics of your emails.

SMTP relay on a VPS server

With a VPS server you can manage SMTP and disable RSpamD. However, if our service receives several complaints from an e-mail address originating from an LWS customer, the latter runs the risk of having its services suspended.

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Questions sur l'article
Benoit Il y a 823 days
Bonjour, J'utilise un hébergement mutualisé sur LWS et les mails générés par la fonction php mail provoquent tous l'erreur URI_PHP_MAIL_SPAM alors qu'il ne s'agit que de mail très basique (réinitialisation de mdp par exemple). Que faire ? Merci
See the
1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 819 days
Bonjour, je vous invite à vérifier que les envois ne sont pas effectués vers des adresses emails inexistante en utilisant la fonction phpmail(), ce qui peut , effectivement, avoir pour effet le blocage de la fonction phpmail() au niveau de votre formule. S'il s'agit de l'envoi depuis un formulaire d'inscription, je vous inviet peut être à ajouter un champ de confirmation de l'email. Dans le cas d'un formulaire de contact , il est préférable d'ajouter un champ captcha permettant d'interdire les robots.
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