How do I use the NextCloud web interface?


How do I connect to the Nextcloud web interface?

1. Go to the web address you received by email. Enter your username and password. Click on the"Connect" button to access the interface for managing your online storage space.

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

2. If the connection was successful, you will be redirected to the"files" section of your Nextcloud storage space. This section allows you to view your various web storage directories, recently added files and shared files.

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

What features does the Nextcloud interface offer?

1. Activities

The"Activities" item (2) in the menu (1) allows you to monitor the activity of your storage space. You can find the last files synchronised, the last files modified and the person who modified the file. This is a log showing all the activity of your Nextcloud application.

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

2. Photo Gallery

The"Photos" item (2) in the menu (1) allows you to view your various photo folders.

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

To add media (photos or videos), click on the"Albums" item (1) in the left-hand menu and then create an album by clicking on the"+ New Album" button (2). If you want to add the media to an existing album, simply select it (3).

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

Once in the album of your choice, click on the"Add" button (1) then"Upload files" (2) to upload the documents you want.

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

3. Documents

The"Files" item (2) in the menu (1) allows you to view your various documents.

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

You can share all the files on your web application. To do this, click on the folder to view the files. Click on the share icon (1) located on the line of the document you wish to share.

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

You can share the document with one of your contacts or share it publicly. If you share it publicly, anyone who knows about the link will be able to view the document. To prevent your document from being seen by everyone, you can personalise the link to protect it with a password.

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

If you put a password on your document, you can set a validity period for it. As soon as the period expires, the password will no longer be valid for viewing the document, but it will still be protected.

4. Contact management

The"Contact" item (2) in the menu (1) allows you to manage your contacts efficiently. You can create groups of contacts (by job, by activity), and enter the email address of each contact as well as personal information.

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

5. Personal and collaborative diary management

The"Diary" item (2) in the menu (1) allows you to manage a collaborative diary online. You can also share your diary with one of your contacts or another person who has a personal diary on another online storage application.

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

6. Adding a note

The"Notes" item (2) in the menu (1) lets you add a note so that you don't forget a task you need to do, for example. To add a note, click on the"+ New note" button (3).

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

7. Add a task

The"Tasks" item (2) in the menu (1) lets youadd tasks (3) to be carried out, specifying a start and end date for each one. You can set a priority for each task.

How do I use the NextCloud web interface?

Use Nextcloud on the device of your choice

If you don't yet have an online storage package or would like to upgrade to a cloud storage package with advanced features, consult this documentation to place your order, and find information about Nextcloud and Nextcloud Pro packages here.

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Questions sur l'article
Thierry Il y a 750 days
Bonjour, Je souhaiterais enlever ou réorganiser les menus notamment : notes et musique de la barre d'outils, je ne trouve pas la solution. Cordialement
See the
1 answers
Benjamin-LWS - Il y a 748 days


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