How can I protect my domain from being transferred?


How can I protect my domain against transfers?

Transfer protection automatically cancels all transfer requests for a domain. However, this feature is not available for all domains.

In fact, only certain extensions have what is known as "transfer protection".

This in no way affects the security of your domain name: it is protected against any transfer thanks to the transfer code and the validation of the transfer email.

How can I check that my domain is protected against transfers?

To do this, log into your customer area and display the list of your domains. In the table listing your domains, if a green padlock appears for your domain, this means that protection is activated. If the Protection button is greyed out, this means that this option is not offered by the registry managing your domain.

How can I protect my domain from being transferred?

How do I activate transfer protection?

If your domain is not configured with this option, go to your domain administration.

How can I protect my domain from being transferred?

Then click on the "Transfer protection" button

How can I protect my domain from being transferred?

All you have to do is activate it and confirm.

How can I protect my domain from being transferred?


You are now able to protect your domain name against transfer thanks to the"Protection" mode accessible from your LWS customer account.

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Questions sur l'article
azer Il y a 872 days
Bonjour, Je n'ai pas l'option "protection du domaine" dans mon interface, pouvez vous activer cette option ou cela n'a t-il pas d'importance? Merci Cordialement,
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2 answers
Max - Il y a 861 days
Bonjour, les noms de domaine en .FR ne dispose pas de cette protection contre le transfert. Ces derniers sont uniquement protégés par le biais du code de transfert (Code Auth). Si le bouton n'est pas disponible sur l'administration de votre domaine dans votre espace client, cela signifie que l'extension en question ne dispose pas de ce type de protection.
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Max Il y a 861 days
Bonjour, je répète la question : Que faire si on n'a *PAS* l'icone "Protection transfert" dans la rubrique "Gestion du domaine" ? (Vous dites " *certaines* extensions ne permettent pas...": LESQUELLES ? Citez les plus populaires !! .FR en fait partie ?)
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1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 856 days
Bonjour, les domaines en .FR ne dispose pas de la protection contre le transfert mais uniquement de la protection avec le code Auth. En revanche, les domaines gérés par l'ICANN, a savoir les .COM, .NET, .ORG par exemple dispose de la protection contre le transfert.
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