How to link an external domain to LWS



Whether you have just purchased a new domain name or are looking to migrate an existing one, this documentation will provide you with a detailed approach to linking your external domain to LWS services. Whether you need to configure your web, mail or other services, this documentation will guide you through each step in a clear and concise manner.

I. Understanding technical terms

Before we start, let's take a moment to explain some of the important terms we'll be using in this documentation, using simple, accessible language.

When we talk about an "External Domain", we are referring to a domain name that you have registered with a company other than LWS, but which you wish to use with LWS services.

DNS (Domain Name System) servers are a bit like address directories on the Internet. They play an essential role in converting domain names (e.g. into the IP addresses (e.g. needed to load web pages.

DNS records" are specific rules that direct Internet traffic to your domain. They are essential for telling DNS servers how to handle requests for access to your website and where to redirect visitors.

II. Linking your external domain with DNS servers

To link your external domain with the DNS servers, the domain must not be in the process of being transferred. If the domain is currently being transferred, see the section"Linking your external domain with DNS records"

You have justbought your domain name for transfer from our shop, and you would like to link your domain before transferring your domain name, then changing your DNS is the easiest way to link your domain name.

Before changing your DNS servers, you should consider the following points:

  1. By changing the name servers, the LWS web and mail services will replace those of your previous provider. (Unless you modify the DNS records after changing the DNS servers)
  2. Once the transfer has started, you will no longer be able to change the name servers.
  3. The DNS zone will only be editable from your LWS panel.

Before changing a domain's DNS, check that you have transferred your website data and/or created the email addresses you usually use

In order to link your domain name using DNS, you first need to know which DNS to use. There are two ways of finding them.

A. Via the domain purchase confirmation email.

Following the purchase of your transfer domain name from the LWS shop, you will have received an email in the mailbox attached to your LWS account. In this e-mail, you will find information about your FTP space and name servers. You should find the indication as shown in the image below:

How to link an external domain to LWS

Once you have the DNS you want to use, you will need to enter them on your current domain manager interface to replace the DNS currently in use.

[tips_info] If you have any problems with this configuration, please contact the support department of the service provider currently in charge of your domain and tell them what DNS you need to configure[/tips].

B. Via the LWS customer area.

You will only be able to find the name servers from your customer area if you have ordered a hosting package with your domain name.

Step 1: You must first log in to your LWS customer area to access your hosting management.

Step 2: Once in your hosting management, find the "Domain management" section. Then click on "DNS Servers".

How to link an external domain to LWS

By default, the "Our servers" option is ticked, and in the configured fields you'll find the LWS name servers.

How to link an external domain to LWS

All you have to do now is take over the name servers and set them up on your old domain provider's space.

[tips_info] After changing your DNS servers, you will need to wait a maximum of 24 hours for DNS to propagate so that your services work properly[/tips].

III. Linking your external domain with DNS records

If you have any problems configuring these records in your DNS zone, don't hesitate to contact your current service provider's support team

If your domain is currently being transferred or you do not wish to link all your services using name servers, then you can link your domain using DNS records directly from your previous domain provider's DNS zone. In order to use only the LWS mail service, the LWS web service or others.

A. Retrieving web and mail server information

To continue configuring DNS records in the following sections, you will need the IP addresses of your mail and web servers.

If you ordered your domain on its own, without a hosting package, here's how to proceed:

Go back to your hosting management page, and then click on "Click here". (Red box)

How to link an external domain to LWS

You are now on the DNS zone management page for your hosting, and the IP addresses of the mail and web server are at the top of the table (box in red).

How to link an external domain to LWS

If you have a hosting package with your domain, here's how to proceed

B. Linking your web service

To link your web service to LWS, you need to add or modify an A record in the DNS zone of your domain. This record must point to the IP address of your LWS hosting.

Here's an example of how you could configure this record:

  • Name: your-domain.ext
  • Type : A
  • Value: XX.XX.XX.XX (Ip of the web server)
  • TTL: 24 hours

The IP address of the web server can be found in the e-mail confirming the purchase of your domain, or in the LWS DNS zone.

C. Linking your mail service

To configure your mail service with LWS, you will need to add or modify an MX record and an A record in your domain's DNS zone. These records must point to the LWS mail server.

Here is an example of an A record for LWS:

  • Name: mail
  • Type: A
  • Value: XX.XX.XX.XX (IP of the mail server)
  • TTL: 24 hours

Here is an example of an MX record for LWS:

  • Name: your-domain.ext
  • Type: MX
  • Value: mail.your-domain.ext
  • Priority: 0

The IP address of the mail server can be found in your domain purchase confirmation email, or in the LWS DNS zone.

D. Linking other services

If you want to link other services, please refer to this documentation, which explains advanced DNS zone management.


Linking an external domain to LWS may seem complicated at first, but by following the steps in this guide you should be able to do it without any problems. Don't forget, LWS customer service is always on hand if you run into any problems or have any further questions.

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fred Il y a 395 days
Bonjour, est-ce que quelqu'un connait la procédure pour lier un nom de domaine avec canva ? Je suis les étapes mais ça ne marche pas.
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