How do I insert a calendar in SiteBuilder Pro?



SiteBuilder lets you add a Google calendar when creating your website. If you decide to create a holiday rental site or a sports association, it might be a good idea to add a calendar so that you can share the dates of bookings or events. The calendar is easily inserted by dragging and dropping it to the desired location on your website.

What's more, as soon as you update your Google calendar, it will also be updated.

To make full use of this tool on your website, you'll need

  • A Google Account with Calendar
  • Tick the box allowing you to share your calendar with others
  • Make your calendar public so that it is visible on your website.

How do I insert a calendar in SiteBuilder Pro?

In order to insert a calendar on your website, you need to connect to your website administration.

1. Click on the"Advanced" tab on the SiteBuilder Pro toolbar.

How do I insert a calendar in SiteBuilder Pro?

2. Select the desired calendar by clicking on it.

How do I insert a calendar in SiteBuilder Pro?

3. To configure the calendar, click on the stylus at the top right of the calendar and then on"Properties".

How do I insert a calendar in SiteBuilder Pro?

4. The configuration window allows you to define the calendar display mode and a title for the calendar. In order to configure it, you need to provide the Google calendar ID.

How do I insert a calendar in SiteBuilder Pro?


You can now insert a Google calendar on your site created with LWS SiteBuilder Pro. The calendar will allow you to share events with your visitors or manage bookings.

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