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The LWS Panel's Terminal tool allows you tohave an SSH shell directly on your web hosting, via your web browser while connected to your customer area, without having an SSH client like Putty.
It's a handy tool if you need to run commands on your hosting.
The SSH Terminal is available from the LWS Starter to Performance packages, by going to"SSH Terminal" in the"Software" section. You can use this terminal to modify and install certain applications such as Composer.
By default, the PHP version of the Terminal is 8.0. You can view the version by going to it and typing the following command:
php -v
However, it is possible, if necessary, to change the PHP version to one of those available on the Terminal, from PHP 5.6 to PHP 8.1.
Log on to your LWS customer area and click on"Manage" behind the LWS package concerned.
Click on the"SSH Terminal" tool in the"Software" section.
On the SSH Terminal, you will need to create a new profile using the"touch" command.
touch ~/.profile
You can replace"profile" with the desired name. Note that for each command, you will need to replace the name"profile" with the name you have defined.
Edit the"profile" file using the following command:
nano ~/.profil
Add the following code to the "./profile" file:
export PATH=/opt/php7.0/bin:$PATH
When adding the line of code, don't forget to change php7.0 to the PHP version you want. The following versions are available:
Simultaneously press [CTRL] + X then "Y" and the "enter" key to save the file.
Finally, load the .profil file using the following command:
source ~/.profil
You can check the PHP version used by the SSH Terminal using the following command:
php -v
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