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Wordpress is an open source website creation tool written in PHP. It is probably the simplest and most powerful content management system (CMS) available today.
Wordpress allows you to easily create a blog or an online shop via a showcase site. It comes with thousands of different themes and extensions and can be adapted to suit any Web project.
Wordpress packages offer everything you need to make your mark on the Web:
1. Log in to your LWS customer area
2. Click on the"Manage" button behind the domain name in question
3. In the"Software" section, click on the"Wordpress" button
4. Choose Wordpress
5. Choose a directory and a database attached to your Wordpress site. Click on the"Confirm" button as soon as you have made your choice.
Once the Wordpress CMS has been installed, you can connect to it using the information received by email. The Wordpress dashboard can be found at the following address http://mondomaine.com/wp-admin (mondomaine.com must be replaced by your domain name)
To find out how to create a WordPress site quickly and easily, consult our Guide: Creating a WordPress site | Guide to creating a site with WordPress
You can nowinstall the WordPress content management system and connect to the dashboard to manage it with LWS. You caninstall different themes and extensions in just a few clicks on Wordpress. You don't need any special knowledge to create your website.
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