Email error codes linked to data volume with Mail Pro: LPR-SIZEXX



Welcome to our documentation dedicated to resolving the errors obtained when sending emails with a large volume of data from professional email addresses and to managing the sending of emails on LWS. Here you will learn all about these errors and how to manage them effectively to avoid any unwanted blocking of your emails. Our aim is to provide you with clear and concise information to help you get the most out of your email service.

This documentation only covers quotas and error codes relating to the use of professional email addresses. The same documentation exists for quotas and error codes relating to the use of standard email provided with your hosting package

I. Understanding LPR-SIZEXX type errors

LPR-SIZEXX type errors occur when our system detects that one or more professional email addresses have sent emails with too large a volume of data compared to the limits set for their use.

This situation may arise as a result of a mailing list being sent from your email addresses or as a result of a hack on a device or website where the email address is configured. If mass e-mails contain large attachments, the system may block them. To solve this problem, it is essential to understand its origin and to take appropriate measures.

II. Quotas and blocking times for LPR-SIZEXX type errors

Error code Error description Reference period Blocking time Blocking target
LPR-SIZE00 Email data volume exceeds 150 MB email sent only
LPR-SIZE01 the email address has sent emails with a total data volume of more than 1 GB over the reference period 1 hour 1 hour maximum email address concerned only
LPR-SIZE02 devices using the same IP address sent emails totalling more than 1 GB of data from the domain's email addresses over the reference period 1 hour 1 hour maximum IP address concerned only
LPR-SIZE03 your domain's email addresses have sent emails with a total volume of data greater than 1 GB over the reference period 1 hour 1 hour maximum domain email addresses
LPR-SIZE11 the email address sent emails with a total volume of data greater than 10 GB over the reference period 24 hours 24 hours maximum email address concerned only
LPR-SIZE12 devices using the same IP address sent emails with a total volume of data greater than 10 GB from the domain's email addresses over the reference period 24 hours 24 hours maximum IP address concerned only
LPR-SIZE13 your domain's email addresses have sent emails with a total volume of data greater than 10 GB over the reference period 24 hours maximum 24 hours maximum domain email addresses

The volume of an email is calculated by adding the volume of the textual content of the email, the images present in the content and the attached files

This blocking is applied to enable our system to absorb the load, to prevent excessive use of bandwidth and to temporise the voluminous sending flows which are often the consequence of abnormal use of the email service.

The system calculates the volume of data present in the emails sent during the last reference period. The blocking time indicated in the table above is the maximum value, corresponding to a massive and rapid sending. If the blocking follows a regular flow of e-mails sent, the effective blocking time will generally be much reduced.

III. Unblocking Your Mail Service

A. Unblocking the LPR-SIZE00 error

The LPR-SIZE00 error is not blocked for any length of time. All you have to do is resend the e-mail, making sure that the total volume of data does not exceed the authorised limit for your e-mail address.

B. Unblocking LPR-SIZE01, LPR-SIZE03, LPR-SIZE11 and LPR-SIZE13 errors

No action is required to unblock the sending from your email address(es). It will be automatically reactivated after the blocking period.

However, it is important to find and resolve the source of the large volume of data being sent in order to prevent any further blocking.

C. Unblocking LPR-SIZE02 and LPR-SIZE12 errors

No action is required to unblock the sending from your email address. It will be automatically reactivated after the blocking period.

However, it is possible to unblock the IP address in advance by following this documentation.

However, you will need to find and resolve the source of the large volume of data being sent in order to prevent any further blocking.

IV. Preventing LPR-SIZEXX type errors

If you are the source of the large volume of data being sent by e-mail :

If this blockage occurs after you have sent a large volume of data by e-mail such as a newsletter or canvassing, we recommend that you set up time delays when sending the data in order to make them more fluid and to space them out over time.

If you do not wish to extend the time taken to send emails, we suggest that you use the services of companies specialising in this type of sending, such as MailJet or SendinBlue.

If your emails contain large attachments, we recommend that you host these attachments on your LWS hosting or on a data-sharing system and only include a download link in the email so that the recipient can retrieve the content.

If you are not responsible for sending large volumes of data by e-mail :

Run an anti-virus scan on the devices where your email addresses are configured. Use tools such as TotalAV, PCProtect, McAfee or Avast to remove all traces of viruses or malware. Then regularly change the passwords to your email accounts.

If your site sends emails with your email address, check that it is secure and that the forms have the Captcha function, which prevents robots from using your forms to send mass emails.

We have a number of documentations that explain how to set up this type of functionality on WordPress, Prestashop and Joomla sites.


We hope that this documentation has been useful in helping you to understand and resolve LPR-SIZEXX type errors and to improve the management of your LWS mailings. By following the steps explained here, you will be able to prevent unwanted blocking and optimise your email communication with your recipients. Don't forget to take security measures into account, in particular by changing your password regularly. If you encounter any difficulties or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our technical support team, who are always ready to help you use our hosting services.

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