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PHP is a programming language that can be integrated into HTML pages.
It is used to automate repetitive tasks, in particular by communicating with a database (the most common use of PHP).
The PHP programming language is essential for the smooth operation of CMS such as Wordpress, Joomla, Prestashop, etc., as well as for all e-mail forms.
This article is aimed solely at customers who have chosen Linux shared web hosting.
If you have a Virtual Private Server (VPS), find out how to modify php.ini
First of all, you need to log in to your LWS account and access the shared hosting for which you want to modify the PHP settings.
Then click on the"PHP Configuration" icon in the"Database & PHP" section:
PHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor", is a programming language widely used for web development. A PHP version refers to a specific iteration of this language, with its own features, improvements and bug fixes.
Choosing the right version of PHP for your website is crucial for a number of reasons. Firstly, each new version brings improvements in terms of performance and security. Using an obsolete version can expose the site to security risks and reduce page loading speed. Secondly, recent versions offer new functionalities and greater compatibility with modern web technologies, making it possible to create more sophisticated and functional sites. Finally, keeping your PHP version up to date ensures better compatibility with plugins and themes, which are essential for content management systems such as WordPress.
However, some sites or applications may not be fully operational with the latest version of PHP, in which case using an earlier version may be the solution. If you have several applications on your hosting, they may each need a different version of PHP.
In the first tab that appears,"Installing and selecting PHP", you can determine which versions of PHP you want to use with the different applications on your hosting.
All you have to do is tick or untick the box corresponding to the PHP version so that it can be installed or uninstalled after clicking on the"Save" button.
You can also specify which version of PHP will be used by default on your hosting. This setting is particularly useful if you need to use several versions of PHP.
Select the PHP version and indicate in the selector whether you want to apply this version only to your site accessible from the main domain name or to all the sites on the hosting. Then click"Save" to apply the change.
From the"PHP configuration by sites" tab, you can specify a different PHP version for all the sites on your hosting.
This page lists all the additional domains added to your hosting as multi-domains, as well as all the sub-domains created.
You then have the option of choosing the PHP version to be applied for each domain or sub-domain in the listing by selecting the version in the selector.
Then click the"Save" button at the bottom of the page to apply the changes.
Various PHP parameter settings are available in the"General PHP configuration" tab.
The PHP settings configured in this tab apply to your entire hosting, regardless of the PHP version used.
The values that can be configured for certain parameters (memory_limit, max execution-time, etc.) differ depending on the hosting package chosen.
The parameters available for configuration are as follows:
You can check which version of PHP is running in a folder by creating a phpinfo.php file in that folder with the following contents:
You can use the FileManager available on your hosting to create and edit the file.
Then visit the following page via your web browser: http://domaine.com/dossier/phpinfo.php (replace "domain.com" with your domain name and "folder" with the folder where you have placed your php file)
The following page should be displayed, showing the PHP version used by this folder and the various PHP settings and libraries installed.
You are now able to configure PHP on your shared hosting with LWS. PHP configuration lets you change the PHP version used for your hosting. You can also modify a few PHP directives.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our technical support team via a trouble ticket.
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Cordialement, L'équipe LWS
Je vous remercie pour votre message.
Je suis désolé de l'inconfort que vous rencontrez avec la fonction désactivée
Malheureusement, nous avons dû restreindre cette fonction PHP pour des raisons de sécurité et cela est indiqué dans nos CGV, des alternatives existent effectivement, par exemple PHP Mailer qui peut remplacer Swiftmailer, si malheureusement, vous souhaitez utiliser Swiftmailer à tout prix, il ne sera pas possible de l'utiliser sur nos services étant donné que l'accès à cette fonction est restreinte.
Je vous remercie pour votre attention et reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question ou complément d'information. Vous pouvez nous contacter directement depuis votre espace client si vous le souhaitez afin de faciliter les échanges et trouver des solutions à vos problèmes.
Cordialement, L'équipe LWS.