How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?



The purpose of this documentation is to explain how to install and use NextCloud on a Mac in order to back up data on its storage space.

You can then activate synchronisation.

Downloading the NextCloud application for Mac

1. To download the NextCloud application for Mac, go to the NextCloud application page and click on the"Mac" button.

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

2. Click on the"Save file" button to start downloading.

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

How do you install your NextCloud application on your Mac?

1. Click on the file you have just downloaded. As soon as the installation program opens, click on the "Next" button.

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

2. Choose where you want to install your NextCloud application, then click"Next".

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

3. If you wish, choose the type of installation. You can also choose the default installation by clicking"Next".

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

4. Once the installation is complete, click on the "Close" button.

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

How to connect to your NextCloud storage space

1. Enter theaddress of the storage server. You received an email when you subscribed with all the information you needed to connect.

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

2. Enter your user name and password and click"Next".

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

3. Specify the folders and sub-folders to be synchronised with your remote storage space and click on the"Connect" button.

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

4. If everything is configured correctly, you should see a window offering you to connect to your storage space via your web browser or to your local folder that you have just synchronised with your NextCloud server. Click on the"Finish" button to exit the installation.

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

How do I synchronise a folder with my NextCloud storage space?

1. To synchronise a local folder with your remote storage space, open your application by double-clicking on the relevant icon. Then click on the"Add folder synchronisation" button.

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

2. Select the local folder you want to synchronise with your remote storage space and click"Next".

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

3. Choose the folders and subfolders to synchronise, then click "Next".

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

4. Click on the"Add to synchronisation" button. Synchronisation will start immediately, but it may take some time and the speed of synchronisation will depend mainly on the stability of your Internet connection. If you lose your Internet connection, synchronisation will be interrupted.

How do I use NextCloud on a Mac?

You can also use the NextCloud application on other devices such as:


Now you know how to use Nextcloud on Mac, if you have any further questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate tocontact our support team who will be happy to help.If you do not yet have an online storage package or would like to upgrade to a cloud storage package with advanced features, please consult this documentation to place your order, and find information about Nextcloud and Nextcloud Pro packages here.

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Questions sur l'article
Dzoz Il y a 921 days
Bonjour, Il semblerait que tous mes fichiers "tagués" (tag de couleur sur macos qui me permettent de classer et retrouver facilement mes fichiers et dossiers) ne soient pas sauvegardés. Comment puis-je faire ? Un grand merci pour votre aide !
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1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 918 days
Bonjour, Il est possible que os x ait sa propre gestion des tags que Nextcloud ne supporte pas. C'est la raison pour laquelle, ces derniers ne sont pas sauvegardés.
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