What types of domain can I buy?


How do I choose a domain name ending?

The extension of your domain name depends on your business or your location.

There are 2 main types of domain name:

  1. Generic domain names (gtlds)

    It's a good idea to choose a generic domain name if your website is aimed at everyone.
    If the .com domain name you have chosen is free, you are strongly advised to use it to prevent one of your competitors from using it to compete with you.
  2. Geographical domain names (cctlds)

    The purpose of these domain names is to show the location of the website or company, or to target a certain audience.
    For example, .fr web addresses such as "monsiteweb.fr" suggest to visitors that the site will be available in French.
    The extension therefore makes it possible to specify the geographical location of the site.

What TLDs do you offer?

We offer the most common extensions.

There is no point in offering all the TLDs available on the market (there are several thousand), as many of them are subject to severe restrictions (for example, you need to be a company that does business in the country or has links with the country).

On our site, you'll find all the extensions your site needs to establish itself on the web: .fr, .com, .net, .eu, .be, .lu and also the new extensions (.maison, .voyage etc).

We strongly advise you to order several extensions to avoid your competitors taking the same domain as you in another extension and overshadowing you.

What are the restrictions?

Some TLDs, although very common, are still subject to restrictions.

For example, to purchase a .fr domain name, you must be a resident of the European Union. You will not be able to create a .fr domain unless you meet this condition.

These restrictions, imposed directly by the registries (Afnic for .fr, ICANN for .com, etc.) are tending to disappear.

They are indicated on our website when you order, so that you cannot order an extension that cannot be allocated to you.

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ide Il y a 943 days
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 940 days
Bonjour, vous avez la possibilité de souscrire à un nom de domaine en vous rendant sur la page suivante : https://www.lws.fr/nom-de-domaine.php. Indiquez le nom de domaine souhaité dans la barre de recherche et cliquez sur le bouton "rechercher". Il vous faudra ensuite suivre la procédure
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Arthur Il y a 794 days
Bonjour, 2 domaines enregistrés chez lws et j' aimerais acheter un 3°. Mais avant, j'aimerais savoir si "site builder basic" est inclus dans les toutes les offres. Et ce, afin de charger une archive existante vers : mondomaine.site (par exemple)
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fabrice-LWS - Il y a 791 days
Bonjour, si vous désirez disposer de toutes les fonctionnalités SiteBuilder, je vous invite à souscrire à une formule LWS Perso ou supérieure se trouvant sur la page suivante: https://www.lws.fr/hebergement_web.php Vouspouvez également souscrire à une formule cPanel qui disposera également de SiteBuilder Pro en vous rendant sur la page suivante: https://www.lws.fr/hebergement-cpanel.php
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