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You can change your package before renewing your account: you can renew just your domain name (delete web hosting), or renew in a lower or higher package without any problem.
To do this, you need to
2. Wait for the change to be validated (allow between 6 and 12 hours)
You can change your options before renewing your account.
To do this, you need to :
1. Delete the option concerned: To do this, log in to your web hosting administration
2. Click on"Manage" behind the domain concerned.
3. Click on the"Options" icon in the"Support, formulas and options" section.
4. Delete the desired option so that it is not renewed.
5. Wait for the change to be applied
You can now renew your service after changing Packs or adding an option with LWS. Once you've changed your package, it's advisable to wait for it to update before renewing.
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0mn reading
Renewing a domain name and/or shared web hosting
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Renewing a dedicated VPS server
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Remove web hosting: Renew only the domain name
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Renew domains and web hosting on the same invoice
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