LWS prepaid credit: benefits, top-up and use


What is the Prepaid Account?

The prepaid account is a cash reserve designed to make it easier to pay for your orders (new orders, payment for options, transfers, renewals, etc.). The advantage of this type of payment is that you can make your purchases in a single click without having to enter your bank card number or write a cheque.

Advantages of the prepaid account and loyalty bonus

Each credit purchase earns you points!

1 point = 1 euro

For example, if you credit 100 euros to your prepaid account, you get a bonus of 2 points, giving you 102 euros credited.

The more you credit, the more you earn:

LWS prepaid credit: benefits, top-up and use

What can you buy with a prepaid account?

Here is the list of things you can pay for with a prepaid account:

  • Domain names (purchase, renewal)
  • Shared web hosting packages (purchase, renewal)
  • VPS dedicated server packages (purchase, renewal)
  • SMS Packs
  • Options for domains, shared hosting, servers

How do I credit my prepaid account?

1. log in to your LWS Panel customer area

2. Click on"Bonuses and Options", then on"Prepaid account".

LWS prepaid credit: benefits, top-up and use

3. You can then order credit for your customer account by clicking on "Reload" and also view the list of all transactions made on your prepaid account since the opening of your LWS Panel customer area:

LWS prepaid credit: benefits, top-up and use

LWS prepaid credit: benefits, top-up and use

How can I use my prepaid account to pay for an order or quote?

In order to use your prepaid account to validate an order or a quote, you must :

  1. Your quote must have a DVI-123456 number, for example (the credit cannot be used on a CMDE-123456 order, for example).
  2. The amount of your prepaid credit must be greater than the amount to be paid. In other words, you cannot deduct your credit and pay the difference: if you want to use this credit, you will have to credit your account first.

If your balance is sufficient, you will see the prepaid credit payment method on your quote, with details of the initial balance and the remaining balance:

LWS prepaid credit: benefits, top-up and use


You can now top up your prepaid account to pay for your services with LWS. Please note that to be able to make a payment using your prepaid account, the amount of the bill must be less than the amount in your account.

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Questions sur l'article
Paul Il y a 952 days
Puis-je payer une commande qui n'est pas la mienne dans un autre compte LWS appartenant à un tiers, avec mon compte prépayée ?
See the
1 answers
fabrice-LWS - Il y a 952 days
Bonjour, Je suis navré mais cela n'est pas possible. Le montant prépaid est directement lié à votre compte client et ne peut pas être utilisé pour payer des factures se trouvant sur un autre compte client.
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